Five Questions for Ivo Sarjanovic

 If I remember correctly, Ivo, you always wanted to be a teacher. How did you end up as a trader?

I have always had a vocation for teaching. Although I pursued accounting in Argentina, my focus lay in economics. I commenced a PhD program in economics at New York University, but unforeseen circumstances thwarted its completion. Consequently, I returned to Rosario and embarked on a career in trading. I have no regrets about this shift; I perceive striking parallels between the intellectual rigour of market positioning and the pursuit of scientific inquiry. Moreover, it proved to be a prudent economic decision.

Nevertheless, I always intended to return to teaching upon retiring from trading. Lacking a PhD, I am more akin to an industry practitioner—someone equipped with experience to impart rather than a purely academic figure. I enjoy teaching, but it is more of a hobby.

Some of my colleagues at Cargill affectionately dubbed me ‘the Professor.’ In collaboration with a colleague, Dave Buchanan, we established a Grain Academy within Cargill. Although I am uncertain of its current existence, it was an exceptional program complementing what you learn in your daily roles.

Cargill’s culture weaves teaching into one’s responsibilities, eliminating the dichotomy between work and education. In addition to learning technical tools, it fosters an environment rife with brainstorming, diverse perspectives, and open forums for discourse.

I’ve always viewed trading as an intellectual challenge. As a follower of the philosopher Karl Popper, I find his ideas particularly applicable to trading. Your game plan serves as a hypothesis you present to address the problems you encounter in the market structure. Subsequently, you test this hypothesis through the mechanism of profit and loss. Profit validates it, whereas a loss falsifies it.

Could you talk me through your current teaching activities?

I have been teaching at the University of Geneva since 2008 and recently became a fellow at the Erasmus Commodity Centre in Rotterdam. Additionally, I instruct a class on Agri-commodities in the Master of Finance program at Di Tella University in Buenos Aires and the Master’s program in Agri-business at Austral University in Rosario. Apart from these commitments, I am predominantly involved in seminars and lectures. Furthermore, even in more informal capacities, I coach and mentor individuals within the industry.

Preparing for classes, creating presentations, and keeping them current demands considerable time. It extends beyond the hours spent in front of the class. When presenting a class for the first time, I may invest up to 10 hours in preparation for a one-hour session. Once I’ve created the slides, updating them for subsequent classes typically requires one to two hours per session. However, developing a new theme from scratch consumes significant time.

Recently, I compiled a presentation on population dynamics and its future implications on food demand. This endeavour entailed extensive preparation, including reading many books and articles, conducting research, and verifying information by contacting the authors of relevant pieces.

Occasionally, I deliver presentations virtually, which offers the advantage of saving time and transportation costs. Nonetheless, I prefer teaching in person; it facilitates a stronger connection with my students.

Navigating diverse skill levels among students poses a challenge. There’s a risk of speaking at a level that may be too advanced for some while too basic for others. The key is maintaining a balance, ensuring everyone can understand the material while occasionally introducing concepts that challenge the more adept learners.

Furthermore, adjusting the teaching approach when transitioning from instructing young students one week to addressing executives the next presents its own set of complexities.

What makes a good teacher/educator?

Practical experience holds significant value in the realm of commodities. Students become highly engaged when they perceive their instructor has practical expertise. For many, studying commodities isn’t purely academic but a way to advance their careers.

Remaining current with the subject matter, such as incorporating recent real-world examples, is essential.

A dynamic presentation style is crucial to maintain student engagement. Occasionally, introducing surprising or even controversial concepts can stimulate lively discussions.

Drawing connections between commodities and various disciplines such as economics, politics, geopolitics, agronomy, meteorology, and new technologies enhances understanding.

What else? When discussing commodities broadly, it’s imperative to transcend specific geographies or products, ensuring a comprehensive approach. It is especially true in Geneva, where students have different perspectives and origins. You need to avoid falling into the trap of being a hyper-specialist.

Reflecting on my transition from trading for Cargill, where my focus was intensely narrow—mainly dedicated to predicting soybean and later sugar market movements—I now embrace a broader perspective. I derive satisfaction from forging connections and appreciating the larger picture.

Do you also teach people how to trade?

I’m uncertain whether one can truly teach someone to become a trader. However, it’s possible to refine and enhance the skills of those with a natural trading aptitude. Specific innate capabilities, such as risk appetite, are essential for success in trading and cannot be taught. While some individuals possess a high-risk appetite, others may have little or none. Beyond risk appetite, there are other qualities required for trading success. Once you have identified these abilities, you can nurture and develop them through training and education.

The analogy to a sportsman is a good one. Much like you can’t create a player like Messi out of thin air, you can improve Messi’s skills through proper training, discipline and nutrition.

Economics plays a pivotal role in equipping traders with foundational knowledge. I utilise a triangular framework to elucidate how commodity prices are determined. Microeconomics constitutes one angle of the triangle, with supply and demand as the primary price determinant. Macroeconomics forms the second angle, explaining how macro variables such as growth, inflation, and interest rates influence price dynamics. Investment funds represent the third angle of the triangle. They are the catalysers of price movements but not the determinants.

When futures markets are well designed, prices always converge to fundamental values. A recent example in the coffee market illustrates this phenomenon: over the past two weeks, funds drove prices higher in anticipation of a trend similar to that seen in cocoa. However, once their buying momentum waned, prices corrected lower, as the underlying fundamentals did not support the rally.

The interplay among these three realms—micro, macro, and funds—accounts for the dynamics of price movements. Microeconomics elucidates the fundamental factors driving price trends, while macroeconomics illustrates how external economic conditions influence this trajectory. And the funds act as the catalysts for price movements.

What educational advice would you give young people looking to enter the agriculture commodity sector?

When I began my career in South America, companies typically required candidates to hold degrees in economics, accounting, business administration, statistics, or agronomy to enter agricultural trading. However, upon relocating to Europe, I was surprised to discover that some of my colleagues held bachelor’s degrees in art, languages, psychology, law, and international relations. This diversity enriched our discussions, adding depth and richness to our perspectives.

The landscape has evolved since then. Employers now seek candidates with additional quantitative knowledge and basic programming skills.

While having a master’s degree may be advantageous, it’s not a prerequisite for entering the trading profession. However, the Master in Commodities program at the University of Geneva offers a unique advantage—a blend of practical work experience and academic learning. With students spending 70 per cent of their time gaining hands-on experience in a company and 30 per cent attending classes at the university, this program offers a potent combination, particularly when the sponsoring company has a well-organised training system.

Once you embark on a trading career, trading a diverse range of commodities, especially those with varying delivery mechanisms, is beneficial. Or if your company is not involved in different markets, it’s always interesting to have exposure to different qualities or distinct origins.

The delivery mechanism significantly impacts trading dynamics. For instance, in my experience trading soybeans, where delivery primarily occurs along the Mississippi River, you learn how the delivery mechanism affects premiums and spreads in a certain way. In the sugar market, where delivery occurs worldwide on a Free on Board (FOB) basis, futures serve as a source of origination, creating a completely different trading dynamic. Delivering sugar around the globe at a uniform price makes premiums more stable but time spreads much more volatile.

My last piece of advice is to ‘Choose your boss wisely.’ A supportive and inspiring boss fosters motivation, curiosity, and continuous learning. While you may not always have the luxury of selecting your boss when given the opportunity, prioritise not just the job but also the individual you’ll be working under. It will have a significant impact on your career.

© Commodity Conversations® 2024This is an excerpt from my new book, Commodity Professionals—The People Behind the Trade, which is now available on Amazon.

The following schools offer courses on commodity trading:

University of Geneve




Bayes Business School – City University of London


Erasmus Commodity and Trade Center – Erasmus University of Rotterdam

Executive education:

University of Luzern


 University of Fribourg 

LLM (for lawyers)

J.P. Morgan Center for Commodities and Energy Management – University of Colorado at Denver

Different courses:

Universad Austral: MBA en Agronegocios:

Instituto de Estudios Bursatiles – Madrid


University of Derby

Short course:

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Undergraduate degree in agricultural marketing:

Graduate degree:

Agrinvest-UniSenai – MBA Grain Merchandising:



Different courses:

Lugano Commodity Trading Association


A Conversation with Nicolas Tamari

I interviewed Nicolas, the CEO of Sucafina, one of the world’s leading coffee trading and roasting companies, for my book on coffee. The interview focused on the coffee business, and we didn’t discuss leadership and the role of a CEO. I contacted Nicolas for this book, and he agreed to contribute. We met at his offices in Geneva, where the building was being renovated, and I ended up on the wrong floor. We eventually found each other and chatted in the company’s kitchen. I asked him how he defined leadership.

“I define leadership as being able to do three things simultaneously,” he answered. “The first is to inspire people. The second is to manage people. The third is to contribute to the bottom line of the company. Vision is also crucial. A leader must define a clear vision and ensure everybody sticks to it.

“Culture, values, and vision make a company, but I would also add purpose. Our purpose at Sucafina is to create opportunities to improve lives. We deal with hundreds of thousands of growers worldwide; we can help improve their lives. It is what links everyone.”

While interviewing people for this book, I often stumbled over the expression, ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast.’ I was initially confused by what it meant and then sceptical about whether it was true.

“Culture must be in people’s DNA,” Nicolas told me. “At Sucafina, we hire for values and train for skills. If you hire people who share the same values as you and buy into your culture, you can train them to be the best risk manager, IT person, HR person, or whatever. It’s difficult if you don’t have a commonality in the DNA of the culture and the values.”

Sucafina employs 42 nationalities in 49 locations in 36 countries. I was impressed that a CEO could impose, develop, or nourish a common culture across diverse cultures.

“To make a good cup of coffee,” he explained, “You need a blend of different origins, often from various continents. We are lucky at Sucafina to have this diversity; it is one of our strengths.

“We give everyone the freedom to speak to everyone. By sharing best practices, we learn from one another and improve. That’s one crucial thing. Second, we try to adapt to the local communities, mindset, and culture. We are a global company that acts locally. We try to empower local teams while maintaining a common message at the corporate level.”

“How would you define Sucafina’s culture?” I asked.

“In one sentence?” he replied. “I would say it’s what you see is what you get.”

Nicolas took over the responsibility for the company from his brother, who took it over from their father. He told me that his brother and father have a similar leadership style but are more hands-on than he is. He prefers a more delegating type of leadership, but what they do have in common is that they all walk the talk and lead by example.

I was interested in discussing the advantages a family firm might have in the trading world, but I was keen to talk further about leadership. Sucafina has the Sparks program to teach leadership, but I wanted to ask how successful it is. At school, I remember some kids were natural leaders, whether in sports or arts, and others followed them. Before meeting Nicolas, I discussed the issue with a friend, the retired CEO of a pharma company. He firmly believed that leaders are born, not made. What did Nicolas think?

“Some people are born leaders,” he told me. “Others are groomed to become leaders. However, to become a leader, you must have the ingredients of your personality, upbringing, and self-confidence.

“Sucafina’s Sparks program teaches leadership,” he explained. “It is a three-year course. Each year, we have between one and ten participants. So, on average, let’s call it six. As we have three years going on simultaneously, it’s 18 people. Up to now, I guess over 50 people have graduated.

“It is expensive but well worth the investment. In our industry, grooming people from inside the company rather than headhunting them from the outside is essential. By doing so, they truly live the company’s vision, purpose, and culture.”

Sucafina’s website highlights some of the women who have recently completed the Sparks programme. I was curious to learn what Sucafina was doing to promote gender equality.

“Historically,” Nicolas told me, “There have always been more men than women working in our industry, especially on trading desks. I have not yet been able to understand why. On the other hand, there are often more women than men in execution and operations and different departments such as HR or Communications.

“We want a mix of men and women,” he continued. “But we’re a meritocracy-based company. I do not want quotas for men or women. I want the most apt person to get the job. But yes, we want to promote women because we believe there are a lot of amazingly talented ladies out there who can grow and take on more responsibilities.

“For example, in East Africa, if we want something to happen on the ground with local communities, we empower women, and it’s often a big success. When we empower men, I cannot say the same thing. So, we want to empower more women.”

I asked, “Are there specific leadership challenges in trading companies compared to service, manufacturing, or industrial companies?”

“Humility as a leader of a commodity trading company is crucial,” he answered. “That’s one key difference. The second one is that in a commodity trading company, you start afresh each financial year and have your overheads to cover. Trading companies don’t have a recurrent built-in revenue to cover expenses, which you often find in a service industry like banking.”

Some trading companies have bought industrial assets to even out volatile earnings. I asked Nicolas if he had done the same.

“To reply to your question,” he replied, “I’ll go to our company vision, which is to be the world’s leading sustainable farm-to-roaster coffee company. We want to start at the farm, but we’re not farmers. We’re happy to be roasters but not brand owners.

“About ten years ago, we acquired Beyers Coffee, the largest roaster in Belgium. We also have an instant coffee business. Bayers and our instant coffee business are strategic as we can vertically integrate the supply chain. We will not be brand owners; otherwise, we will have conflicts of interest.

“These industrial assets also give us more predictability in our revenue. They indirectly help us by levelling our revenue and having a recurrent built-in margin.”

“Which is better, growth through acquisitions or internal growth?” I asked.

“Initially, I would say organic growth, but sometimes opportunities arise when you don’t expect them, and that’s where you need to acquire. Culture is critical when you acquire. You need to make sure the company you acquire fits the culture. It’s culture more than anything else.”

I quickly became overwhelmed when running our little analytical company and had to impose a structure to limit the number of people who reported to me directly. I wondered how many of Sucafina’s 1,400 employees reported directly to Nicolas.

“Eight,” he replied. “We use the acronym FIRST. F stands for finance, I stands for information systems technology, R stands for risk, S stands for staff and human resource, and T stands for trading and execution. So those five heads report to me, plus I have three further direct reports.

“Some of our managers only have four direct reports, but the average is about eight. It varies between five and ten, depending on the interaction between the manager and the employee, the level, and his responsibility.”

“How involved are you in the day-to-day operations and trading?” I asked.

“I’m involved in the company’s day-to-day operations, but it can operate quasi-normally without me. I’m aware of the trading positions we hold and the big-picture decisions.”

“If you decided to go and sail around the world for a year, would the company still work as well?” I asked.

“I would say for a couple of months,” he answered. “But not a year.”

I now wanted to return to ownership and whether family companies have an advantage over publicly quoted companies in trading.

“Whether you are family-owned, management-owned, or even private equity-owned,” he said, “I believe that commodity trading companies should not be publicly quoted. Why? Because of the unpredictability of the financial results. Share price volatility is not good.

“I’m not in favour of publicly listed trading companies unless you are an industrialist and have trading as your procurement arm, which enhances or not your profitability. Family businesses think and operate long-term. Commodity trading companies should have the management and the family as shareholders.”

Serge Varsano has instituted a company structure that limits his decision-making power. I wondered whether Nicolas had something similar.

“I have a board of directors, the majority of which are independent,” he said. “They empower me but impose certain limits in VAR, drawdown, counterparty, forex, etc. I navigate within these limits. I believe we’re well structured in terms of corporate governance for a company of our size.

“I’m here to make money but also to have fun. I don’t need to give a return to my shareholders of 30-50% a year. They’re comfortable allowing me to use the profits to grow the business.”

Serge Varsano also mentioned the importance of having fun in business. It made me wonder if I had had fun running my little company. I enjoyed the challenge, but was it fun? I am not sure.

“How do you inspire innovation as the company grows?” I asked.

“Innovation must be bottom-up as well as top-down,” he replied. When people have ideas, we must listen to them, assess whether they are feasible, and not be afraid of trying and failing fast. If you fail fast in innovation, you can fall back on your feet and re-innovate. If you don’t learn from your failure—and if you don’t fail fast—innovation can be a problem.”

I had to think about his answer for a while. It had never occurred to me that innovation could be a problem, but then I thought about the times when companies had introduced new IT systems only to see them fail.

“How involved do you get in recruitment?” I asked.

“I don’t see all candidates,” he replied, “But I often participate in the last round of interviews with key people or departments needing my involvement. I enjoy interviewing people because, as I said before, we hire for values and train for skills. So, through these interviews, I can understand whether a candidate shares our values.

“I always ask a candidate to share with me one experience that happened in their life from the age of five to 20 years old that contributed to the person they are today. I want something profound and sincere, not their exam results. It allows me to understand the person behind the CV.

“Sometimes, candidates reciprocate the question to me. I answer that at the age of seven, my parents put me in a boarding school in Switzerland without me knowing that I would go to a boarding school. I do not remember my parents telling me I was going. I suppose they did, but they didn’t explain the meaning of boarding school. You can imagine the trauma.

“It taught me how to survive in very unusual circumstances. On the other hand, it did not teach me to ask for help. It did not teach me to communicate. So, I often do things by myself. I’ve learned in the last decades how to work more with teams.

“The fantastic thing is that the kids I met at that school – I’m now 54 – are like brothers to me today. I can see them on the other side of the planet, and we can sit and have a meal, and it’s as if we haven’t seen each other for 20 minutes.”

“Last question,” I said. “What advice would you give someone taking up a leadership position for the first time?

“One: Listen and listen. Two: Lead by example. You cannot expect your people to do something you are unwilling to do. Three: Don’t be an asshole. We have an official “no-asshole” rule at Sucafina. It is independent of how much you contribute to the P&L or how great you are.”

I told Nicolas I had recently read Elon Musk’s biography and thought he was in the third category.

“Elon Musk is an exception,” Nicolas said. “I have just finished his biography. Working with him must be difficult and unpleasant, but he is one of the smartest guys on the planet. I give him the credit for being how he is.”

Dave Behrends, Sucafina’s head of trading, also recently read the biography. In a post on LinkedIn, he argued that Elon Musk breaks his four rules of management.

The first is ‘people are your best asset’.  Elon demonstrates that he views people as a tool. They start sharp but get dull over time, and you must ultimately replace them.

The second is ‘creating healthy work/life balance environments helps people thrive’. Musk orchestrates “surge events” that ask for the impossible of staff. It requires them to go from ‘always on’ to working nights, weekends, birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays with complete disregard for the strain it puts on people’s personal lives.

The third is ‘teams that work well together succeed together’. Elon has an ‘algorithm’ which dictates that you must challenge every rule or process. He discourages camaraderie as it limits people’s desire to challenge each other critically.

The fourth is ‘hire people better than yourself, empower them, and trust them to get you where you want to go’. Musk is highly opinionated. His decision-making, which often contradicts his team of experts’ opinions, is stunning. He fires people who challenge or disagree with him too much.

I discussed Dave’s post with a friend, a professor at a local business school, but he disagreed with Dave’s analysis. He told me that his four management rules might work in trading but don’t work in manufacturing, especially not in an innovative area such as space travel or electric cars. “You have to break stuff to succeed,” he told me.

“I’m not sure I don’t agree with your business school friend,” Nicolas told me. “I think it’s more about the ability of being one out of 5 billion and reinventing the industry you are in. Elon Musk has wholly reinvented the ecosystem through both Tesla and SpaceEx. To reinvent an ecosystem is something very bold. It requires out-of-the-box thinking, and you must be just one of a kind.

“Some traders are mercenaries who make money, take part of their money, and then start with the next page. When they lose money, they change companies. You could argue that certain commodity trading companies use people as a tool to generate money. It is what hedge funds do.

“And remember, Elon has a loyal and devoted workforce who love working for him. I would love to work for him for a couple of years,” he continued. “I would learn so much. Elon Musk is one of those people out there who have the courage and who can make the impossible possible. It’s all about leadership and the ability to go the extra mile and working very hard.”

“Elon Musk is the exception where the no-asshole rule does not apply. But I’m happy that Dave Behrends and I are aligned on this. It was not planned.”

© Commodity Conversations®2024

This is an excerpt from my new book, Commodity Professionals—The People Behind the Trade, now available on Amazon.

Michael Whitney on Leadership

A friend recently sent me a McKinsey report on the role of a CEO. It argued that the fundamental core of the CEO role consists of six things:

  • Set the direction.
  • Align your organization in that direction.
  • Mobilize your leaders to deliver in that direction.
  • Work with your board.
  • Connect with a group of stakeholders.
  • Manage your effectiveness.

I am not a big fan of McKinsey. Having recently interviewed the CEOs of Sucden and Sucafina, two successful trading companies, I thought McKinsey had missed the point by concentrating on strategy rather than culture. As we all know, culture eats strategy for breakfast.

I contacted Michael Whitney, a leadership coach and recruitment consultant with Kincannon Reed, to ask him what I was missing.

“How you behave as a leader will characterize how others in the organization behave,” he told me. “Your behaviour as a leader is essential. Take just one example: if you stifle discussion and jump all over somebody, they will think twice about stepping up in the future. You may miss something vital if you don’t allow people to contribute.

“A CEO must trust the employees, and the employees must trust their CEO. It is particularly relevant in a trading company where the bets are big and decisions are taken quickly. A trading environment requires an awful lot of trust. As a leader, you must look people in the eye and ask them: Can I trust you to deliver this?”

“But doesn’t the McKinsey article concentrate on strategy rather than culture,” I insisted.

“Culture is embedded in all of those things,” Michael replied. “You can have the best strategy in the world, but if you cannot forge a good relationship with your board chair or board, you will not be around for long. Your capacity to manage-up will determine the success of your strategy. The board must trust you.

“For example, I was coaching a CEO for whom communication was a bit of a challenge. He was ferociously bright, but he over-communicated. He saw problems and solutions quicker than anybody else in the room, but he was not winning the board, and his executive team was becoming frustrated.

“I worked with him to get him to understand that less is more. How do you take fifteen minutes and turn it into one? What’s your core message? Keep it simple and adapt to your audience.”

I asked Michael how easy it was to tell the difference between a manager and a leader.

“Sometimes you meet somebody, male or female, and just say, Wow. They have an aura. They exude a level of self-confidence which is not brash or in your face. They can listen, engage with you, and make you feel you’re the most important person in the room. You feel drawn and connected to them. Many people are leaders, but great leaders have that aura, that natural presence.

“A leader can seamlessly move between two things,” he continued. They’re confident and happy with strategy, thinking at a high level, and setting a direction of travel. But they are equally as good at making it happen and executing against it. It sounds easy, but it is challenging.

“Looking at leaders through history, it’s also about the moment. A specific set of circumstances will dictate having one type of leader versus another. It goes back to that war versus peacetime scenario.

“Look at what a great leader Churchill was during the war, but he was soon voted out of office once the war ended. Leaders have a life cycle and a sell-by date. Things change around them, but they may not adapt.

“The manager is functionally strong. There isn’t much you can’t tell a manager about how to run a trading desk or a crushing plant. They master their market and the S&Ds that drive it. But ask that manager how they will double the company’s revenue over the next five years. They can’t extend into that.”

Michael spent 13 years in the British Army, and I asked him to list three things he learned there that helped him in his later career.

“First, the armed forces are highly selective and prepare you to lead from a young age,” he answered. “Leadership training is a constant throughout your career. The army teaches you to think logically when making assessments and judgment calls and how to write and communicate succinctly.

“Second, the armed forces teach you cadence. There are periods of intense activity and periods of less intense activity. You go off on operations, and the intensity can be extreme, but you can’t sustain that level of commitment and effort. There are periods when you must reduce the cadence to focus on other things and rebuild the capability to operate again at an intense level.

“Business can learn from that,” he continued. “In business, you have what I call the Duracell bunny syndrome. People think their ticket to success is to be continually moving at a hundred miles an hour. I am not sure it’s the right thing to do in business. People get tired. They burn out. Pausing and thinking gives you the springboard to get back in and reposition.

“The third thing I learned was the value of constant self-reflection. The armed forces expose you to people with more experience than you – strong personalities who will firmly state their case. You must be mature and humble enough to reflect on what they say.

“I’m not sure of the extent to which many business leaders are open to that reflection, to ask why their personality is conditioning them to behave in a certain way. The armed forces continually expose you to your peers. You don’t have a choice but to pause, reflect and think.

“Leaders must understand themselves. They must be able to say, “This is where I stack up and where I don’t.” They must understand their weaknesses and where they need to improve.

I recently talked to a retired CEO who argued that the most critical role of a CEO is to choose, train and form his successor. I wondered if Michael agreed.

“Succession planning is key to any organization,” he told me, “But you must ask if the CEO is the best person to be doing it.”

“I’m working with a CEO who views his executive team as a stable of potential successors. It’s like a horse race. I am not sure it is the right approach, even though he realizes that not every horse will be a winner. You risk having a bunch of egos competing against each other rather than working as a team.

“You can turn that question around and ask if it is better to appoint internally or externally. Do you want an internal person who understands your business  and can hit the ground running, or are you happy with somebody who offers  something different but will take a little longer to understand what makes the business tick?”

“When does a search for a senior leader go well, and when can it go badly?” I asked.

“It goes well when you and the client invest the time upfront to have a series of conversations with a quorum of people, colleagues, board members, etc, who have views on what the candidate should look like. It can be challenging because opinions differ, and people often don’t know what they want.

“Having these conversations across the organization can give you a clear understanding of what is non-negotiable and where there is scope to compromise. You’re never going to find the perfect person. There will always be trade-offs, and you must understand them.

“The other dimension is around culture. It’s relatively straightforward to tick the boxes on a role’s functional aspects, but the intangibles matter. For example, how does the person behave and react in various situations, especially under stress?

“You must ask the search committee to articulate their company culture now and what they want in the future – not just the core values listed on their website, but what matters to them and the organization.

“A search goes less well when the people you are talking to struggle to articulate the above because it leads to uncertainty and indecision.”

Finally, I asked Michael what advice he would give to someone taking a leadership position for the first time.

First, you must understand yourself. You must be able to say, “This is where I stack up and where I don’t stack up.” You must have emotional intelligence and deep levels of self-understanding and self-awareness. You must understand your weaknesses and where others on your team are needed to back you up.

Second, you must understand that there will be times when you will have to draw upon the support of others and that you must nurture the people who have complementary skills and personalities to you, even if these people tell you what you do not want to hear.

© Commodity Conversations® 2024

This is an excerpt from my new book, Commodity Professionals—The People Behind the Trade, now available on Amazon.

A Conversation with K.S. Vishwanath

When I started working on my new book on agricultural commodity supply chain professionals, I quickly realised that I had significant gaps in my knowledge. One of the biggest was my complete ignorance of the world of insurance. I had worked for many years as a physical trader and broker, but we always traded FOBS or C&F. I don’t think I ever traded a CIF cargo. As I started to delve into the matter, the first thing that struck me was the connection between marine insurance and the law.

Lord Mance, formerly Deputy President of the UK Supreme Court, said,

“Insurance and the law are inextricably linked at all points. Insurance is not like making cars or widgets. It depends on agreements and wordings for its force and effect, and agreements and wordings depend on the law for their force and effect”.

The second thing I learned was that insurance is so incredibly complex that someone could write a whole book about it. Therefore, I was delighted to find someone who had written an entire book on the subject and could answer my stupid questions. I have always loved meeting fellow authors. Only an author can share Winston Churchill’s pain when he said,

“Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with, it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.”

K.S. Vishwanath (Vish) has nearly 40 years of experience in marine insurance in India and the Far East. Since 2008, he has been a freelance consultant based in Bangalore. He has written a highly acclaimed book, Insuring Cargoes—A Practical Guide to the Law and Practice, published in the UK. The second edition was released in March 2023.

Vish told me that although there are many scholarly works on the subject, he felt there was still space on the bookshelf for a book written by a practitioner that focused on practice rather than theory. He wanted to write a book that provided solutions to the issues a practitioner confronts daily.

“The shipping industry is in turmoil with the events in the Red and Black Seas,” he told me. “Still, on a different level, the insurance sector’s most significant issues are excess capacity and severe competition. In many parts of Asia and Africa, this leads to the commodification of complex risks. The European markets are less affected.

“Many risks are complex to price. Insurers, hungry for premiums and profits, may not price them correctly.

“Insurers develop volatility in their books and must make a profit to build a reserve for any significant loss. An insurer will take a pyramid approach, where most of their business comes from a low frequency of claims, but one or two of those claims will be of high severity.

“The bottom line should always be at the back of your mind as an underwriter. Still, market and broker pressure may force you to introduce excess volatility into your book. Competition is severe. If I say no to a business, the brokers will say, ‘You’re cherry-picking—if you want profitable business from this client, you must also do some high-risk areas.’

“As an insurer, you must ask yourself, “Is my business sustainable over a long period? Am I being fair to the clients as well as my shareholders?” These are things which I would lose sleep over.”

“You mentioned that the insurance market is in turmoil because of the Red and Black Sea situations,” I said. “What are the issues there?”

“The Red Sea is one of the world’s most important shipping zones,” Vish told me. “An underwriter with less appetite for risk may say they will not write business for voyages via the Red Sea, but most companies will do the business but increase their rates. It increases traders’ costs.

“The other issue is that avoiding the Red Sea will increase transit time and adversely affect a moisture-sensitive cargo like grain. Going from the Red Sea through another climatic zone may lead to condensation issues in bulk cargoes.

“Sweating and condensation can be a particular problem for containers but may be excluded under the insurance. Desiccants only work for a limited time; they stop working if containers take longer routes or are otherwise delayed.

“Piracy is still a risk if you go through the Red Sea. Traders must ensure they get piracy extensions in their policies. Some bulk cargo owners only have the ICC clauses B and C. It is untested whether they cover piracy ransoms. It is preferable to get piracy extensions.

The Dark Fleet is the biggest issue in the Black Sea. Some underwriters insure Dark Fleet ships, but if there’s a significant incident, there may be no recourse against the ship owner via the P&I Club (1). The IPOC typically covers an oil spillage but doesn’t cover the Dark Fleet. (2)

Another issue is that some vessels switch off their transponders as they approach the area. Russian exporters may take Ukrainian grains and mix them with Russian grains, but insurers or traders cannot know that.

“Imagine you are a trader,” I said, “what traps should I look out for when I insure a cargo?”

Most companies, even the big corporate trading houses, pay too little attention to insurance. Senior management must embed good insurance practices across the whole organisation. The CFO or the insurance manager may try to get the cheapest premium, but how about the coverage?

“What’s the deductible? Have you covered heat, sweat, and spontaneous combustion? Is rejection risk covered? The corporate office should drive risk management and insurance.

“First, appoint a good broker and don’t encourage brokers or underwriters who don’t ask for copious information. Brokers should be fussy with details and fully understand the business.

“Second, do a benchmarking exercise. How does my insurance programme compare with my competitors? A good broker should do a benchmarking exercise.

“An all-risk policy will not cover rejection, seizure, or condemnation by food, health, port, tax, or quarantine authorities,” he continued. “You require a rejection risk, which few people take. Insurers have little appetite for rejection insurance. There are specialist markets that write this class of business. The rates may be high, but at least attempt a small limit, start somewhere and cover rejection risk.

“What are the specific challenges for agricultural commodities?” I asked.

Shortage is a big risk for any bulk cargo,” he told me. “The shortage could be due to various reasons.

“If there are multiple receivers and ports, it’s entirely possible that some excess delivery has been made to a receiver in another port or your port.

“The draft survey may not reflect this as the tendency is to match the draft survey with the bill of lading. A draft survey method is not an exact science but depends on the condition of the sea, the swell, the wind, and the surveyor’s experience.

Another issue concerns moisture, self-heating, and dust accumulation. Another risk is quarantine due to loss or fear of loss. Insurers sometimes specifically exclude the rejection of grains by some importing countries when grains arrive with traces of genetically modified crops.

“And of course, you have this piracy and general average, theft, water damage through bad weather. These are the usual claims.”

“There has been an increase in fraud by sellers and buyers over the past few years.

“An example of seller fraud would be when a surveyor fails to notice that a container has not been correctly sealed. When the surveyor leaves, the seller unplugs the seal, removes the cargo and puts some rubbish inside.

“There are three types of buyer frauds,” he continued.

“The first type is where a buyer and seller have been trading for a while and build trust between them. The seller agrees to discharge shipments against a letter of indemnity, but suddenly, there is a dispute, and the buyer refuses to pay.

“The second type of fraud is the one-time fellow who places an order with you, forges the bill of lading or signs the bill of exchange, takes delivery of the original bill of lading, and disappears.

“The third type is imposter fraud, where someone pretends to work for a big company, shows industry knowledge, creates an email ID that resembles a corporate email ID, and gives the name of a first-class bank but with a fake account number and address. The buyer then intercepts or forges the documents, discharges the cargo, and disappears.

“Watch out for red flags. Go to a trade body like the Chamber of Commerce or the company to ask whether they know this email or this person or if it is fake. You should never enter today’s market with an unknown buyer or seller.”

“Are there things that you should particularly watch out for containers?” I asked.

“For general cargo like machinery, toys, and electronic items, containerisation is a better risk for insurance companies than shipment in break bulk. Still, containers will have problems with coffee, cashew nuts, and grains because of heat-sweat issues. Containerisation has reduced losses but has not eliminated them.

“Damages, theft, pilferage, water damage, and piracy are common claims in containers and breakbulk.

“How is technology affecting the insurance world?” I asked.

“There is an issue with automated crew-less vessels,” Vish told me. “How will they reduce losses? Will General Vverage come down? Will they encourage piracy? We need to see.

“Artificial intelligence will streamline claims processes. It can give you an online platform where claims and documentation are more straightforward. It can help underwriters generate proper premiums through data analytics.

“The sky is the limit for technology. Embrace it or be left behind.”

“Do claims often end up in court?” I asked.

“Insurers in the US and Europe don’t deny legitimate claims,” he replied. “They will negotiate, but they won’t deny. Most European and American companies have a strict Chinese wall between underwriting and claims to avoid the temptation for the underwriter to increase profitability by reducing the claims. Arbitration is compulsory in Western markets, but arbitration is only for quantum disputes, not for determining liability in India.

“If somebody files a case in a court in India, it will take 15-20 years before a judgment comes. By then, I will have retired from the insurance company and collected my bonus. So why should I bother? Compulsory arbitration would resolve this.”

“Could you give me a pre-trade checklist for insurance?” I asked.

“Absolutely,” he replied.

“The most important thing is to spend time on insurance. Don’t go for the lowest possible rate. Identify brokers or experts. Benchmark your program and spend some time on risk engineering. Identify insurance companies with an excellent claims-settling philosophy.

“You should then consider your chartering philosophy and how you select a vessel. Do I go for the cheapest ship, or do I go for a good-quality one? You may save on freight today, but what if a 5-million-dollar claim is not payable?

“Look for any gaps in my coverage. Consider taking rejection risk insurance. It is costly, but ask whether it is better to have it. Identify any unique exposures in your business and tell your insurance company about them.”

“And for companies in general?” I asked.

“Companies should use insurance to protect their balance sheets. Large corporates often forget this and go for the cheapest premium instead of ensuring best-in-class coverage backed by risk management. As a consultant, I have always told my clients that insurance should be driven from the top to embed the right message within the organisation.

I’ll give you an example of a textile mill in India whose products were brand names here. A new CFO joined them, saying, “This is not a low-lying area. We have a water shortage in this area. Why are you paying $50,000 for flood insurance? Cancel it.” The board applauded the decision, but there was a freak flood the following year, and the company went bankrupt.

Protect yourself against anything which can ruin your balance sheet, even though the chances of that happening are rare.


(1) A P&I club is a mutual insurance association that provides members with risk pooling, information, and representation. Unlike a marine insurance company, which reports to its shareholders, a P&I club reports only to its members. Originally, P&I Club members were typically shipowners, ship operators or demise charterers, but more recently, freight forwarders and warehouse operators have been able to join. Source Wikipedia

(2) Click here to read more about the risk implications of the Dark Fleet.

© Commodity Conversations® 2024

This is an excerpt from my new book, Commodity Professionals—The People Behind the Trade, now available on Amazon.

A Conversation with Peggy Olde Bijvank

Peggy and I have two things in common. We both worked as physical commodity merchants at Cargill before moving to futures brokerage.

I started as a futures trader at Cargill and found the shift to physical commodity merchandising challenging. I wasn’t a good salesperson and didn’t enjoy convincing people to buy what I was selling. It was not a problem that I had as a futures trader. The liquidity in a futures market is such that there is (almost) always someone willing to buy when you want to sell or sell when you want to buy.

I enjoyed being a futures broker. I built a small group of clients who trusted me to do my best. I never needed to convince my clients to do something. We discussed their hedging and risk strategies together, and I executed them in the market.

After four years working as a vegoil merchant with Cargill in Amsterdam, Peggy made a similar move into futures brokerage, joining Natixis Bank in London.

“I moved to London partly for personal reasons,” she told me. “Still, I saw it as a huge job opportunity to apply my knowledge of the physical commodities sector to a financial markets role. Natixis was setting up an agricultural brokerage desk for futures and options. They had people for coffee, cocoa, and sugar and took me on for grains.

“I enjoyed working as a physical commodity merchant,” she continued. “Cargill has a fantastic culture with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Cargill taught me to be entrepreneurial. I still benefit from all that today.

“At Cargill, I was a merchant responsible for one of the vegetable oil product lines. My interactions with our clients were commercial and competitive. I had to understand what the market was doing and watch for whatever everybody else was doing. I had to follow inflows from South America and keep on top of refining margins.

“I found the commercial nature of the job fulfilling, and I especially liked the tangibility of it. I could watch the chartered vessels arrive in the port of Amsterdam and then depart with the products we traded aboard. I found it thrilling. So yeah, I really enjoyed that.

“My first line manager was an accomplished salesperson. He taught me how to connect with clients and have different approaches for different clients.”

“Why did you choose commodities as a career?” I asked.

“I did a master’s degree in business administration from Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Unfortunately, their Commodities programme didn’t exist then. I decided to study business administration as it provided a comprehensive knowledge base in the field of business. It allowed me to study and work abroad, which I found very appealing.

“I was keen to work in a fast-paced environment,” she continued. “When I saw Cargill’s advertisement for graduate trainees, I just knew it was for me.”

“What was your role at Natixis?” I asked. “And, more widely, what is the role of a futures broker?

“Unless they have been in the industry,” Peggy replied, “it’s challenging to understand futures markets or what a futures broker does.

“There are two types of brokers: execution brokers and clearing brokers. The former provides access to the markets and executes trades for clients. They also offer market data and find liquidity.

“Clearing brokers process clients’ trades after they have been executed. They hold the client’s assets, guarantee the client’s obligations and contribute resources to the default fund maintained by the clearing house. These default funds serve to absorb losses from defaults and protect the sustainability of the future’s markets. Natixis was an execution and clearing broker.

“Although it was a significant change from physicals to derivatives, it felt like a natural evolution of my previous role. In addition, I was also involved in physical commodity financing, namely the financing of coffee stored in exchange-approved warehouses.

“Banks offer significant credit lines to clients, larger than a standalone brokerage house would. During periods of high price volatility, clients need enough credit lines not to be forced to reduce their positions. It is a natural business for banks to finance their clients, whether in the fields or the futures markets.

“In 2008, one of our clients, a Brazilian sugar producer, built up a sizeable, short position in the market and couldn’t pay his margin calls. The exchange asked the producer to reduce their net position, but they didn’t. The exchange held the company in violation of its position limits and instructed brokers only to accept liquidating orders.

“This episode brought home to me the responsibility of the clearing member. It made me understand how well the system works and how vulnerable you are as a broker. It is a low-margin business where a client bankruptcy can wipe out your profits for years.”

“Did the move to electronic trading change how brokers operate?” I asked.

“It was challenging for brokers when the trading floors closed,” Peggy said. “Clients had direct access to the markets via their office screens and often did their own trading. You could quickly lose contact with them. There were fewer points of contact.

“The more successful brokers understood they needed an edge. Some offered proprietary research. Others specialised in execution, for example, in arbitrage between raw and white sugar or between New York and London cocoa – the tricky stuff. Others competed with lower execution fees, looking to reduce their overheads.”

I asked Peggy what she liked and disliked about being a futures broker.

“I liked dealing with many different clients in various sectors,” she replied. “I had soft-commodity clients worldwide, from Brazil to Vietnam and Singapore to Europe. I had tradehouses, producers, and corporates as clients. It kept things interesting. I enjoyed travelling and networking, not just with the clients but with others in the markets.

“What I didn’t like was that as a futures broker, you deal with a standardised financial product, which can be less attractive than dealing with shiploads of physical commodities.

“Also, as a futures broker, you don’t necessarily get to understand a client’s strategy. It’s what I enjoy most in my current role, where we tailor and bespoke OTC products to individual client’s needs. To do that, we must understand their objective and their strategy. On an OTC desk, you must get to know every customer to understand what they’re after and how to price it.”

Peggy has worked in commodity sales with Lloyds Bank in London for the past five years, covering Energy, Metals and Agricultural products. I asked her how her current position differed from being a futures broker.

“Futures contracts are standardised products,” she told me. “They trade on an exchange and require daily margin calls. There’s no counterparty risk as the clearing house guarantees them. The clearinghouse is the seller to every buyer and the buyer to every seller. If a counterparty defaults, the clearing house assumes the risk of loss.

“OTC contracts are not standardised but are bilateral and customised agreements between counterparties. They’re not traded on the exchange and are often not subject to margin calls. “You can customise the parameters of a swap, such as the quantity, the currency, the length, etc. They are always financially settled, whereas futures can be financially or physically settled depending on the market.

“The beauty with OTCs is that liquidity is not restricted to the volumes on the exchange as some market participants will warehouse the risk and not hedge them fully with futures. It means you can sometimes offer more liquidity to your client.”

Peggy has had two extended career breaks for maternity leave. After her first career break, she took a return-to-work programme with Macquarie Bank to get professionals like her back into the workforce. Still, she was back on maternity leave by the time she finished the programme.

“It’s not how these programmes should work,” she told me. “But hey, life happens.” After another two years off, she applied for her second return role in commodity sales at Lloyds Bank.

“Those two breaks were a big disruption,” she told me. “Still, they have been a positive for my career. They allowed me to do something new and have a different role in the industry. I went from a commodity merchant to a futures broker, from commodity finance to commodity sales.

“Looking back, I’m grateful for my different experiences, but maintaining a career is much easier than restarting one. There is a lack of returners programmes that offer viable re-entry at a suitable level. However, this is changing as the corporate institutions that provide them are beginning to realise these programs give them a competitive advantage in accessing talent.

“At Lloyds, I am one of the organisers of a pilot sponsorship scheme to support women’s career advancement, matching female colleagues with senior leaders to drive diversity, equity, and inclusion. It shows you how sentiment has changed over the years. It would never have happened when I started my career.”

© Commodity Conversations® 2024

This is an excerpt from my new book, Commodity Professionals—The People Behind the Trade, now available on Amazon.

A Conversation with Sherif Abdeen 

When Al-Waleed bin Talal (who Time magazine called the Arabian Warren Buffett) cofounded Savola in 1979, he said he wanted the group to become the ‘Nestlé of the Middle East. It is now one of the largest food companies in the region and has branded retail vegoils in Egypt, Saudi, Algeria, and Turkey. The group owns Panda, the largest grocery retailing chain in the Middle East. It has been investing in food businesses in the past couple of years, buying Bayara in spices and nuts and Al Kabeer in processed and frozen foods. Savola has a pasta business in Egypt and will soon go into snacks.

The company owns and operates two sugar refineries, one in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and the other in Sukna, Egypt, as well as a 160,000 mt sugar beet factory in Egypt with 20,000 hectares of sugar beet.

Sherif Abdeen is the company’s Chief Strategic Sourcing & Supply Officer. He studied Economics at the American University in Cairo and joined Cargill in 2001. His first job with them was selling sugar locally to industrial users. He told me it was the most challenging job he had ever had as there were five or six millers all selling the same product. Cargill then transferred him to Geneva, where he spent a year and a half on the futures desk, surrounded, in his words, by the best traders in the business. He called his eighteen months in Geneva “the foundation of his career.”

Cargill then sent him back to Cairo as a sugar trader before transferring him to their Dubai office, where he spent eight years. He joined Savola in 2018, returning to Cairo and becoming the general manager for their Egyptian operations.

“I had four roles there,” he told me. “One was to run the 850,000 mt refinery. The second was to run the company’s Egyptian 160,000 mt sugar beet mill. The third was to manage beet production on 20,000 hectares of sugar beet. My fourth role was to manage the company’s sugar risk for Saudi and Egypt.

“It was challenging in Egypt to compete with the state-owned and private mills, where everything is in local currency. Still, we were able to switch almost 100 per cent of our raw sugar imports into white sugar exports to manage the forex issue.”

In March 2024, Savola promoted Sherif to his current position, overseeing sugar, vegetable oils, and wheat procurement for all of Savola’s assets, including the two refineries. Savola buys about 2.1 million mt of raw sugar per year: 850,000 mt for Egypt and 1.3 million mt for Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

“Have you ever run out of sugar?” I asked him.

“We have never had a forced shutdown,” he replied, “but we have had to reshuffle our maintenance programs. We have at least 21 days of maintenance each year. When the market inverses are significant, we can wash out (sell back) our prompt vessels and bring forward the maintenance period.

“Our warehouse capacity is about 350,000 mt between the two facilities,” he continued. “We’re not like other Middle Eastern refineries with massive warehousing, but we don’t need it in our business model because we have a local market to trade. It helps us manage the pipeline more efficiently. We have a high market share in Saudi and Egypt.

“Both refineries run 90 per cent of the time at full capacity. Because of our size, we manage a vast pipeline. We used to buy one year ahead regardless of the spreads, with one or two monthly vessels for each, but we now manage the pipeline according to how we see the spreads moving.

“In 2020 and 2021, we had decent carrying charges and increased our stocks to the maximum. We saw massive inverses in the past three years and significantly reduced our stocks. When we do this, we risk running out of raw sugar if anything goes wrong with the next vessel.

“Still, we deal with top-notch suppliers, and it has never happened even though port congestion at load can cause long delays. Sometimes, vessels wait two months or more to load.  However, we buy arrival windows, leaving it to the traders to take care of. We don’t charter vessels.

“We have been lucky that the high white premiums paid off most of the inverses in the past two years.

“In addition, we always have the option to part ship with our other assets to manage the pipeline. It is more cost-efficient to buy separately for each refinery. However, we always maintain the option of a second-port discharge if something goes wrong with any shipment.

“We used to buy every shipment based on a two-port discharge, but it costs us more as Jeddah has a shallower draft, and we have to take a smaller vessel. In Egypt, the largest vessel we’ve taken was an 87,000 mt Panamax, although the draft can take up to 100,000 mts. The maximum we can take in Jeddah is 50,000 mt. The draft is shallow, but the authorities are currently dredging the port, and in the coming 18 months, we should be able to take larger-sized vessels.

“Do you buy exclusively from Brazil, or have you taken other origins?” I asked.

“Mercosur origins benefit from a reduced import duty into Egypt. However, as you get the import duty back when you export, we can buy from anywhere.

“Saudi Arabia has no import duty on sugar. When Indian raw sugar was at a discount to Brazilian raw sugar, we bought and imported four or five cargoes. The quality and the price drive us. These are the two factors that matter to us. So, whatever we find an opportunity, we go for it.”

The world price of raw sugar is volatile. I asked Sherif how he managed to keep a stable refined sugar price for Savola’s customers.

“The Egyptian local market is not completely correlated with the world market,” he told me. “The country produces two-thirds of its consumption locally. Many variables impact the local price, including governmental sales of subsidised sugar through ration cards.

“The Saudi market is almost 100 per cent correlated to the world market, and the impact of the volatility is high. Most of our B2B clients in Jeddah buy on a premium basis, and we price them on a BEO basis. The customers take the price risk.

“We use various risk management tools, such as futures, options, and OTCs, for our B2C flat-price sales. We hedge and manage the price risk ourselves, and we price forward to ensure the visibility of our costs. In Egypt, we manage 100 per cent of our price risk ourselves.

“We export more from our production in Egypt than from Saudi Arabia’s. We are talking about 7-800,000 mt of collective export program between both. We use all modes of shipment. We sell from Jeddah to Jordan, Egypt to Libya, and Sudan by truck. We also book containers and charter vessels.

“If you got bullish on the market,” I asked, “would you price more than one year in advance?”

“No,” he replied. “We have a rigid risk policy. We are not traders. We are a manufacturing company. Our risk policy restricts the risk we can take, led by the treasury and the board committees. It governs how far forward we can buy and limits us to a maximum of one year. We have a rigid approval process regarding how, when and who we buy from.  The refineries are not in the business of speculation.

“It’s the difference between trading and procurement,” he continued. “Procurement is about the process. Trading is about position taking.”

“What keeps you awake at night?” I asked.

“What worries me the most right now is what is happening in the Red Sea. It is an issue that can dramatically disturb our pipeline and our shipping programs. So far, it has had little impact, but it could quickly escalate.”

“Last question,” I said. “Do you have any advice you can give someone starting in the business today?”

“Mike Gorrell, one of my mentors at Cargill, once told me about the carpet rule of trading. He said a good trader can smell a good trade under a carpet but never hides a bad one. It is good advice.”

© Commodity Conversations ® 2024

This is an excerpt from my new book, Commodity Professionals—The People Behind the Trade, now available on Amazon.

Five Questions for Yusuf Merchant

1/ Please tell me about yourself and PeaceInvest.

My background is in investment banking and capital markets. I have experience in fixed income, structured credit and finance, cross-border receivables, supply chain finance, commodities and bond markets.

Peaceinvest is a financial service provider based in Geneva. We are a Swiss-regulated for-profit organisation. Our senior managers and employee stakeholders are all registered Client Advisors. We structure and arrange the financial architecture of our investments and get paid based on their success or execution.

We arrange peace-relevant financing to promote social cohesion and financial, economic and human security. We do not limit ourselves to conflict areas but seek to solve problems and issues in areas of potential conflict.

For example, we are discussing with the government of an African nation that has lost 15-20 per cent of its human capital to conflict over the last decades. They have since been through a mediation and reconciliation process. We have designed an investment to maximise the country’s remaining human capital potential and bring it back into the economy. The investment crowds in the private sector and is designed to produce a humble return linked to the US Treasury bond.

Another project in Africa is linked to digital inclusion and access. We will crowd in private sector investors to improve bandwidth availability, public infrastructure, and lighting.

Our firm is not currently able to offer investment projects to retail investors. Still, we hope retail clients will want to combine their funding into an investment where we might have a concessionary donation from a charity or foundation.

However, we do not focus on concessions, grants or donations. We believe asking for donations would limit our ambitions and the needs of the investees, regions and people whose lives we wish to enhance. We hope to realise a more significant potential by crowding in the private sector. In our field, investments that bring about substantial social change and improvement have often been made at the UN, IMF, and Foreign Aid levels. We wish to design our investments to crowd in the private sector, which arguably has larger pools of capital.

2/ What is Peaceinvest trying to achieve?

Unless we can address some of SDG 16’s * shortfalls concerning peace, society, human capital, security, and cohesion, we will be unable to realise any other SDGs. We will destroy capital if we can’t capture the dividends from peaceful coexistence. We must address SDG 16 in terms of the use of proceeds, risk factors, KPIs, and sustainability principles.

For the last year and a half since we’ve been in operation, we’ve created a pipeline of six or seven projects under the core themes of Food Security and Nutrition, Human Capital, Green Energy and Mobility, and Risk and Resilience. My presentation at GrainCom24 will focus on food security and resilience, storage, convenience, and geopolitical risk.

Human capital is our second theme: violence and insecurity, access to technology and data, digitalisation, and education.

Our third theme is energy poverty and access. Energy poverty restricts human capital and ambition.

Our fourth theme concerns youth mobility, creating conditions for young people to recognise their potential. Frustrated youth have the possibility of going into violence.

Our last theme is how we bind these four aspects into a risk and resilience framework. We don’t just think about an existing conflict but create resilience to mitigate the risk of conflict.

3/ How important is food in terms of conflict and conflict resolution?

Food plays into human security. Violence can occur between well-meaning individuals if they don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Food is central to human aspirations and is a core theme for us. It is, at a most basic level, the fuel that makes one wake up in the morning and pursue their ambitions for a better, more prosperous and fulfilled life. There can be no growth without it.

I will devote much of my presentation to the Geneva conference on the next one billion lives in Africa. I will address some systemic and endemic issues Africa faces in replacing indigenous crops with cash crops of wheat and corn to sell on the world market.

4/ On your website, you mention peace and prosperity go hand in hand, but is that true?

The nature of human beings and how nations interact is such that we won’t be able to prevent conflict. However, our investments can help create the conditions societies and countries need to coexist peacefully. We can help prevent violence and insecurity.

We are more interested in resolving things than figuring out why they happened. We are not interested in assigning blame to either side. If you speak to one side, they may have legitimate reasons for doing or not doing something. That is the nature of human discord.

But we try to find common ground that allows former adversaries to reconstruct their lives and live again in peace. We want to help them understand and quantify the peace dividends to prevent them from again falling into conflict. Indeed, much work goes into ensuring that resource exclusion, societal disparities, and inequalities are not left to fester and cause a fracture in nations, societies and peoples.

Today, a declining proportion of the world’s population lives under a social norm that celebrates and ensures human rights. Democracies are failing; they are becoming less democratic and more autocratic. Even within democracies, participation in the democratic process is falling. Whether democratic or not, we must not lose hope and find a way to create peaceful conditions for all nations and peoples irrespective. We must recognise the peace dividend we earned when creating a new world order after the Second World War. We must remind ourselves where we could return if we do not celebrate this peace.

There’s always a tendency for human beings to fluctuate between taking things for granted and recognising that they should be preserved and cherished.

5/ What message will you give to the conference?

I will tell conference participants that Africa’s malnutrition rates of between 50 to 60 per cent compel us to do something if we want to avoid the chaos of mass emigration. We cannot afford to say that we live in an isolated world.

We must recognise that we coexist on this planet. We must invest in food security and resilience in parts of the world where malnutrition exists. Putting up more storage in the middle of North America will not help. Putting up more silos or grain processing facilities in the middle of Africa will.

*SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

© Commodity Conversations® 2024

Miguel Costa – Sovena Group

One of the great things about writing this blog is meeting interesting people and learning about different businesses. However, after more than forty years following the sector, I rarely encounter a company I have never heard of, especially one as big as Sovena. Shame on me!

Sovena Group is one of the largest Portuguese agribusiness holding companies, covering the entire value chain from the fields on the farm to the shelves in the supermarket with brands such as Oliveira da Serra, Andorinha, Fula and Olivari, amongst others. The origin of this group dates to 1871 when Alfredo da Silva founded Companhia União Fabril (CUF), and today, after many acquisitions, mergers, and divestitures, this family-run group is led by the fifth-generation descendant, Jorge de Mello.

The company has four interrelated business areas: olive oil, olives, vegetable oil, and biodiesel. It has also recently invested in healthy foods and snacks by acquiring Centazzi, owner of the brand Salutem. It has factories in Portugal, Spain, the USA, Colombia, and Angola and operates farms in Argentina, Morocco, Spain, and Portugal.

Oilseed crushing is still the company’s core business. Miguel oversees the division from the company’s headquarters in Lisbon. He is responsible for the supply chain for the group’s commodities division, from production up to the refined oils for everything that is not olive oil: sunflower, soy, rapeseed, avocado, and specialty oils.

He describes his role as ‘trading around an asset’.

“We are an industrial company with a trading arm to enhance profitability,” he told me over a video call. “We look at the spreads between the different oils and sometimes arbitrage between them, but we don’t take speculative positions on FOB Brazil or Argentina. If I cannot buy seeds in Spain or import them, I might buy them in France or Romania and exit those positions when I purchase the physicals to execute the cargoes to our plants.”

“Sunflowers are our main commodity, but we don’t have a futures market. The closest we have is the Six Ports (1) for sun oil and the FOB Dutch mill for the rape oil or the Matif for the rapeseed.

“So, your primary objective is not to make money trading,” I suggested, “but to keep your factories supplied and running.”

“Yes,” he replied, “but not at any cost.

“There is no point running a plant at capacity if we cannot earn a margin that at least contributes to fixed costs. We look at the market every day and calculate our replacement costs. What is the oil worth? What are the seeds? What is our margin? Can we lock in that margin by selling the oil and the meals to the domestic or export markets?

“Importing seeds doesn’t make sense if we are not making $1 above our variable costs. Instead, we can import oil, refine it, and bottle it. I won’t put seeds into the plant pipeline just because I have an asset to run.

“We are the brand leaders in Portugal, with around 45 per cent of the market, so we have a responsibility to meet our needs. We treat our private-label customers the same way. If we commit to delivering oil, we will do whatever it takes to ensure the customer has it.”

Miguel began his career in 1996 with Continental Grain in Geneva, working on soybean execution. He had always wanted to be a trader, and Conti offered him a trainee trader position just before Cargill bought the company in 1999. Sadly, Cargill told Miguel he would have to stay in operations. He left to take a position in freight brokerage, hoping that some freight experience would help him reach his objective of becoming a trader.

“When Bunge opened an office in Geneva three years later, they asked him to join them, along with many of his ex-colleagues from Continental. He started on veg oil execution but moved on to the Black Sea grain desk, originating wheat, corn, and barley from Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria.

As mentioned above, Bunge has a toll crush agreement with Sovena in Lisbon. In 2007, Sovena sought someone to handle their soft seed crush operations in Lisbon. He took the position and stayed with the company for four years before rejoining Bunge to manage their crush and food operations in Italy. He then accepted the challenge of building and operating the EMEA high oleic sunflower value chain from Hungary. He then rejoined Sovena in 2017.

I asked Miguel how he managed during and after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“My hair turned white on 23rd February 2022,” he answered. “Before the Russian invasion, Ukraine supplied 85 per cent of the sun oil imports into Europe.

“We got alternative supplies, mainly from Romania and Bulgaria. The resilience and the capacity of Ukrainian suppliers to work around different supply routes were unbelievable. Over the past three years, the country has done a fantastic job by exporting directly from their ports or via transhipment into the Danube into smaller ports or through Constanza or Poland.

“Unfortunately, I don’t know whether they can continue doing that. You’ve seen the pushback from neighbouring countries, such as Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria, over Ukrainian imports. The farmers in these countries want to ban imports. It will become challenging if Ukraine cannot fully reopen its ports.

“Ukraine was once the leading producer of sunflower seeds. In the years leading up to the war, annual production increased from 10 to 17 million tonnes. It has since fallen back to 14.5 million. At the same time, Russia increased production to 18 million tonnes when it had always been a couple of million tonnes behind Ukraine.

“We also imported sunflower seeds from a project in Argentina where, with our local partners, we rent land and produce sunflowers. By leveraging our production and buying from third parties, we assembled around 50,000 tonnes of Argentinian seeds that we imported into Europe. That year, we did about 45 to 50 per cent of Argentinian seed exports.

“Today, we manage about 12,000 hectares of land with our partner on sunflower production. We are not farmers and don’t trade the other crops in the field rotation. Our Argentine partner manages around 100,000 hectares, and we put sunflowers in that rotation.

“Argentina crushes most of its seed production, about 3.5 – 4 million tonnes, and exports the oil as crude or refined. We were interested in growing seeds near the port, south of Buenos Aires, and exporting them to supply our European plants.

“As I mentioned above, we only import seeds into our European crush plants if it makes economic sense. If it doesn’t, we stop our plants and import oil. It is the same thing with Argentina but in reverse. If it makes sense to export seeds, we do, but if we get better prices, we sell them locally. We have done both over the past few years.

“We have tried to do some kind of toll crush agreement in Argentina to test if exporting the oil instead of the seeds would make sense. It’s tricky as you’re competing with the big grain groups, and they will not give you crush capacity for free. From an economic point of view, it’s challenging to make sense of crushing at somebody else’s plant.

“Our plant in Lisbon is located at the port, and we have about 14 meters of draft. We can take Panamax or Capesize vessels, up to 100,000 tonnes. We have two crush plants on our Lisbon site, one dedicated to soybeans and the other to soft seeds. We also have another soft seed crush plant in Spain, near Cordoba and manage a 3rd one in north Spain via a JV with our partner ACOR.

“Soybeans are not our core business; the driver is meal production, not oil. We are a vegetable oil company. We have a toll crush agreement with Bunge on beans, where we manage the soybean crush plant industrially and they manage the commercial side.

“We also partner with Bunge in rapeseed/canola crush, handled via a joint-venture company called BioColza.

“Bunge markets our rapeseed meal into the Portuguese market as it is mid-protein and closer to the soybean meal market, and we manage the oil flow. On Sunflowers, we manage 100 per cent of the operation.

“About 80 per cent of our meal production goes into the domestic market, but we also export to northern Europe. If I’m crushing at 100 per cent sunflower seed capacity, I have to export meal as the domestic market is too small. It goes entirely to animal feed.”

“What’s your biggest challenge?” I asked Miguel. “What keeps you awake at night?”

“For the last couple of years, many things!” he replied. We deal mainly with sunflower seeds, so what has happened in the Black Sea over the past two years has been very worrying.

“Looking forward, the US elections in November could dramatically affect US support for Ukraine. It could be a game changer for the sun oil market.

“And in the long term, we are concerned about climate change’s impact on agricultural production.”

Sovena owns olive oil plantations and has about 7,000 hectares of olive groves between Portugal and Morocco – 6,000 in Portugal and 1,000 in Morocco. Still, the quantity of olive oil they produce from their olive groves does not even cover 10 per cent of their needs. The company buys olive oil from third parties and co-ops around the globe to supply their needs in the US and Brazil. Sovena owns Brazil’s leading brand and is the market leader in extra virgin olive oil.

Until a couple of years ago, global olive oil production was about 3 million tonnes, with half of that coming from Spain. For the last two years, Spain has only produced half of its potential.

“It has made it more challenging for us to originate,” Miguel told me. “It has also increased our working capital needs. About three years ago, olive oil was worth around €3,000 per tonne. It has since tripled in price. Today, a truckload of extra virgin olive oil is worth about €250,000.

“The recent rains in Spain have been excellent, and we have replenished most of the water reservoirs. So, we should be able to return to a more usual olive oil scenario. Unfortunately, it’s too early to be too confident because a late frost or too much heat during the summer could still impact production.

“Climate change will result in more of these extreme weather events in the future,” Miguel added. “However, climate change should open opportunities for other regions to grow olives, not only concentrating on the Mediterranean. We see that, for example, in South America, Argentina, and Brazil.”

  • Six ports are a cash assessment reflecting the value of crude sunflower oil loading on a FOB 6 ports (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Ghent, Dunkirk, or Dieppe) basis for forward periods from the month ahead to twelve months ahead.

© Commodity Conversations ® 2024

This is an excerpt from my new book, Commodity Professionals—The People Behind the Trade, now available on Amazon.

Through Ana’s Eyes

Last September, I interviewed Maryana Yarmolenko Stober, the President of the Swiss chapter of WISTA (Women in Shipping and Trading Association). We discussed a joint report that WISTA Switzerland and PWC Switzerland had published on gender equality within the Swiss shipping and trading sectors. The two organisations recently published a second report, and I wasn’t surprised when Maryana contacted me for a follow-up discussion.

I was, however, surprised that she wanted to talk about a different project, Through Ana’s Eyes, that WISTA has put together in partnership with Equity Commons. This US company uses virtual reality technology to train people on equity and equality.

Together, they have developed a virtual reality experience where participants can feel what it is like to be a woman in a commercial position at a trading company.

Maryana told me she hopes “the experience will allow both genders to better understand each other and for organisations to take a more thought-through approach and actionable steps towards equity in their workplace.”

I recently read Jan Morris’ book Conundrum. Jan was an English journalist and author who, in 1976, was one of the first people to have a sex change operation from man to woman. What I found fascinating was that her old male friends treated her differently as a woman. They talked down to her. They mansplained things. They excluded her from conversations.

Jan was one of the first people to experience this implicit bias directly. I asked Maryana if this was what WISTA Switzerland and Equity Commons were trying to achieve with Through Anna’s Eyes, letting men experience how they treat women.

“It’s similar,” she told me, “But it lasts less than five minutes. It’s not permanent, and you don’t have to go through a painful operation first!”

WISTA Switzerland and Equity Commons will host an event to showcase the technology on Tuesday, 30th April, open to the public. They will hold a private event for HR departments and senior executives earlier in the day. The content will be the same for the two sessions, but the first discussion will focus more on HR. They will have 20 headsets available, so they may have to do it in 2 or 3 rounds. After everyone has had the experience, there will be a roundtable discussion.

“We are an NGO promoting women’s leadership, and we already provide training to our members on this topic,” Maryana told me. “This is our first event using virtual reality headsets. We look forward to seeing how it goes and how much interest we attract. But yes, we hope to be able to develop it.”

When I first joined the business in the 1970s, it primarily consisted of men drinking too much alcohol and behaving badly. The industry has changed dramatically since then, and I wondered why, half a century later, we still needed Through Ana’s Eyes.

“It’s a good question,” Maryana answered. “We have now completed two research studies with PWC Switzerland, and they both show that Swiss commodity trading and shipping remains a male-dominated industry, especially the higher you look in the hierarchy.

“Our findings show that male respondents are more likely to perceive equality than female respondents. This gap is evident across all levels of trading companies. It is particularly pronounced in areas such as promotion, where more women disagree that promotions are equally accessible to both genders.

“At the non-management level, women perceive less access to mentorship and professional development, suggesting a need for targeted engagement and growth opportunities. Furthermore, female respondents report experiencing subtle forms of discrimination, known as micro-behaviours, more frequently than men, highlighting an area for companies to address in fostering a more inclusive work environment.

“So yes,” she continued. “The problem persists in Switzerland and elsewhere. Our report shows progress, but we still have far to go.”

My next question was why.

“Men in senior management think they’re being fair regarding promotion,” she explained. “But they’re not. They’re promoting men more than women without realising it.

“Men sometimes ask whether we are saying that they should promote women just because they are women. That is not what we are saying. We are saying women should have precisely the same promotion opportunities as men.

“These opportunities start early in their careers when women access mentorship, professional development, and exciting projects that later lead to promotions. This first step has to be equal.”

I began to understand the problem: men perceive the workplace as equal, while women don’t. Senior male manager managers aren’t aware of their bias. If they get a choice between an equally qualified woman and a man, their natural bias is to promote the man. But they don’t realise it.

“That is why it is important to make people aware that we all have biases,” Maryana told me. “Biases are normal. We all have them. We just need to understand how to react to them.”

Women in the commodity business tend to be concentrated in the legal, communications, HR, and operations departments. The trading desk remains the last bastion of male dominance. When I asked traders why they think this is the case, some replied that men are better traders. They argued that women have a smaller risk appetite and make worse risk assessments than men.

“Research shows that women are not worse traders than men,” Maryana said. “It has more to do with the social pressure trading roles place on women. They are traditionally structured in a way that requires traders to be available 24/7, giving little flexibility regarding working hours and other personal arrangements.

“Women tend to carry more responsibilities at home than men and trading jobs don’t fit well with those other responsibilities.”

The event will be held at the InterContinental, Chemin du Petit Saconnex 7-9, 1209, Geneva, from 18:00 to 20:00. For further details, please contact president@wista–

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Five questions for Michael Buisset

1/ Michael, you are the Managing Partner at HFW Switzerland and a Shipping and Trading Specialist Solicitor. What messages will you give delegates when you speak at the GrainCom24 Geneva conference in May?

I will discuss market disruptions, sanctions, navigating the rapidly evolving risk environment, and the challenges and opportunities posed by electronic bills of lading.

I will say it’s an exciting time to be in commodities and trading in general. We’ve seen significant supply chain disruptions in the last 3 or 4 years, but tremendous opportunities lie ahead. I’m upbeat about the industry and where we’re heading. It will be challenging, but traders thrive in demanding environments.

Geneva is one of the primary hubs for commodity trading. We are in the heart of the global community, and long may it last.

Traders sometimes get bad press, but Geneva and Switzerland are lucky to have traders. The Swiss like to speak about chocolate and watches, but trading and shipping account for about 3.5 per cent of the Swiss GDP and 20 per cent of Geneva’s GDP. It’s a thriving industry with a great future.

The bonuses and the profits we’ve seen in the trading industry here in Geneva have been eye-watering, but disruption plays to a trader’s strength. Traders thrive on volatility.

2/ What legal lessons can we learn from three recent events: the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the attacks in the Red Sea, and the Baltimore Bridge collapse?

When Russia invaded Ukraine, we had a wave of contract defaults where parties on either side tried to argue force majeure – sometimes successfully, sometimes unsuccessfully. We’re still seeing the consequences. Clients have vessels stuck in Ukraine and are fighting with insurers to recover what’s owed under their policies.

The legal lesson is that you must look at your contractual arrangements. War is not a case of force majeure in every case. Force majeure clauses have an event trigger in the case of war, but it has to be in the contract. If it isn’t, you can’t claim it.

The Red Sea has taken the industry by surprise. The Houthis control a vast area in Yemen and are highly organised. All vessels are potentially now at risk in the area.

Owners will only go through the area if the charterer agrees to pay extra war risk premia. Traders can choose between paying the additional freight cost via the Cape or the extra war risk premia of going through the Red Sea.

But it is not a straight choice. An interesting case was published in the UK Supreme Court earlier this year. Pirates hijacked the Polar in 2010, and the owners paid a ransom in excess of the payout the insurers were obliged to pay.

The court grappled with whether the excess was for the charterer’s or owner’s account. The charterers argued they shouldn’t pay the excess, but the court disagreed. It ruled that charterers are liable for General Average (GA)* contributions if they want to go to that region. Under GA, the charterers are liable for an excess over and above the insurance cover.

I can’t say much about the Baltimore Bridge incident because the case is still under investigation.

One general comment: a liability regime does apply, and owners are responsible for their vessels. They can probably limit liability, but they can also be exposed to claims from the state, such as the cost of rebuilding the bridge or the cost of any delays.

The question of liability will turn on what caused the accident. Was it a fortuitous event? Was it caused by the owners’ fault, neglect or want of due diligence to make the ship seaworthy? Were the crew negligent?

Incompetence is not a defence, but negligence is. The owners must recruit a competent crew and update them with the various regulations and training obligations. But if they’ve done that, they are not liable even if the crew is negligent on the day.

This reminds me of a case I handled a few years ago, known in the press as the Philippine boxing incident. In that incident, a vessel ran aground and discharged a cargo of coal on a coral reef. We successfully pleaded negligent navigation, as most of the crew were watching a boxing match on their mobile phones. They had left a junior crew member on the bridge to navigate the ship, and he ran into a coral reef.

3/ What is the difference between maritime law and commercial law?

Most English contract law is based on shipping precedents and principles. England ruled the waves for over a hundred years, and many commercial counterparties prefer to deal on English law terms.

There are some differences. A Bill of Lading is a document that ship owners, traders, and banks know well and use daily. Still, the legal aspects of the Bill of Lading are currently being fought over in the English courts. The legal implications are pretty specific to the shipping business.

So, the answer to your question is that maritime law is mainstream but has some narrow and niche aspects.

4/ What hot maritime and commercial law issues will you raise at the conference?

A series of significant frauds has led to claims under the Bill of Lading against the ship owner for missed delivery.

As a result, people are seriously speaking about moving to electronic bills of lading. They are a hot topic. The UK passed the Electronic Trade Documents Act in 2023, and we hope people will embrace the technology.

Commodity price volatility has been high, encouraging people to default on contracts. For a firm like HFW, these market disruptions have played to our strength as we specialise in disputes.

Sanctions are another hot topic. We have a specialised team dealing with them, and they have been flooded with requests. Can we do the deal? Can we finance this deal? Or, sometimes, can we get out of the deal?

5/ What advice would you give a physical grain trader starting their career, apart from reading the contract?

Challenge is a good thing. When you face a challenge, your life crumbles, and you have sleepless nights, but it’s an experience; you will learn from it and become stronger. So, don’t give up hope and remain positive.

Shipping and trading are challenging sectors, but they are full of opportunities. Never sit back on your laurels. Reinvent yourself daily. Get up early and catch the day.


* General Average is a principle of maritime law that essentially establishes that all sea cargo stakeholders (owner, shipper, etc.) evenly share any damage or losses that may occur due to voluntary sacrifice of part of the vessel or cargo to save the whole in an emergency. (Source)

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