Certification and consolidation

Over the past couple of decades, voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) have taken on increasing importance in working to ensure that agriculture, and agricultural supply chains, are environmentally and socially sustainable.

The International Trade Centre, which tracks 465 eco-labels in 199 countries and 25 industries, recently published a report, “Social and Environmental Standards – From Fragmentation to Coordination”. The authors highlighted 239 voluntary standards operating in 90 agricultural markets, many of them over-lapping.

Cocoa producers in Cote d’Ivoire now contend with up to ten different standards. Coffee producers in Honduras have nine standards. Tea producers in China have thirteen. Soy producers in Brazil face 21 voluntary standards.

As the report authors write, different buyers use different standards and, in many cases, their own proprietary, non-transparent auditing scheme. This leaves their suppliers struggling to comply with several voluntary standards at the same time. The associated audit processes can quickly push up costs, both in time and money. Competition between standards can also result in what the authors call “a race to the bottom”, where producers or buyers may be tempted to choose the most lenient standard.

It has been shown that consumers trust eco-labels more than they trust brand sustainability claims. This increasingly translates into a business opportunity, especially with Millennials and Generation Z. However, too many standards can also confuse consumers and undermine their trust in the whole system.

And on the production side, it is a bit tough to ask a farmer to go through a whole new audit process just because he wants to grow soy this year rather than sugarcane.

A reduction in the number of voluntary standards would:

  • Reduce audit costs along the supply chain
  • Enable more small-scale producers to become certified.
  • Empower buyers to ensure that what they source is environmentally and socially sustainable.
  • Give more credibility to the certifying agencies and reduce their costs through economies of scale across different commodities and geographies.
  • Increase transparency and make it easier for civil society to “call out” any bad actors
  • Create brand company clarity in marketing
  • Reduce hidden transaction costs
  • Allow certification organizations to focus more on supporting their stakeholders
  • Allow value chain partners to focus more resources on improvement rather than multi-standard compliance

This is obviously a case of “less is more”. The sector is ripe for consolidation. But how do we get from where we are now to where we want to go?

The report authors suggest that a first step would be to get the various standard-setting organizations to talk with each other to explore ways of aligning standards, audit procedures and management structures.  Benchmarking and mutual recognition of standards would be an important part of that process. Stacked audits to combine key different elements of standards/company specific audits into one audit would reduce the reporting burden.

The authors also suggest that international organizations and conventions could play a key role. They rightly point out that within the sector social sustainability is less fragmented than environmental sustainability. This is largely because most schemes follow the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions on child and forced labour, employment, and working conditions. Although there are numerous international conventions on environmental protection, there is less of an international consensus on environmental issues.

The authors therefore suggest the development of core, universally applicable environmental criteria. Companies are increasingly pledging to go deforestation free and this could be expanded to cover key international environmental conventions, as well as the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals.

These are all good suggestions.

The idea of companies working together would be unthinkable in the commercial sector; anyone who tried would be hauled up in front of the competition authorities, and accused of forming a cartel. However certification agencies are mostly non-for-profit organisations. Their goals, by definition, are not to make a profit, or to increase their share prices.  Non-for-profits are not interested in market share; they are interested in “the greater good”.

Working together, whether in the form of partnerships, shared standards, benchmarking or outright mergers should therefore not only be possible, it should be welcomed. Working together would help the certification agencies to better achieve their goals, and make the world a better place.

The views expressed in this blog are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bonsucro.

Commodity Conversations Weekly Press Summary

In company news, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission last week fined Cargill Inc $10 million for providing inaccurate information on swaps, and for failing to supervise the company’s swap dealers. The charges date from 2013. In an emailed statement, Cargill admitted no wrongdoing, but said it was “enhancing its internal controls and employee training programs” inside its swap dealer division.

Meanwhile Cargill has announced it is investing an additional $240 million in India over the next five years. The investment will be in Cargill’s core businesses, including edible oil, cocoa and chocolates, starches and sweeteners and animal nutrition. Last year, Cargill inaugurated its first wet corn milling plant in India; set up with an investment of $100 million.

Bunge Ltd has said it may be able to get the best value for its Brazilian sugarcane milling business through an initial public offering of the unit. The company began looking at selling the mills in 2013. Bunge is already in the process of separating the finances of its sugarcane-milling unit from the rest of the company. The CEO said that this would make it easier for the company to act quickly once it decides to launch an IPO or take other measures.

COFCO International has agreed to sell Nidera Seeds, its crop seeds business that operates in South America, to Syngenta AG. Financial terms were not disclosed. Syngenta, owned by ChemChina, has said it would pursue deals to become the third-biggest player in the seeds industry.

Ferrero, the Italian food manufacturer, attracted media attention last week after a German consumer group noticed that the company has slightly changed its recipe for its Nutella spread. It has increased the content of powdered skimmed milk from 7.5% to 8.7%, and sugar from 55.9% to 56.3%. Furious Nutella fans took to Twitter to criticise the changes, using the hashtag #boycottNutella. In a statement Ferrero confirmed the changes had been made but insisted, “the quality … and all other aspects of Nutella remain the same”.

The danger of changing recipes was also highlighted in a Bloomberg article this week. In the 1980s Coca Cola responded to the “Pepsi Challenge” advertising campaign by introducing a new formula. Loyal customers said they didn’t like the new taste and sales fell. The company reacted and relaunched “Classic Coke.”

Back in the future, the UN’s FAO warned last week that global hunger is on the rise for the first time in a decade. A total of 815 million people went hungry last year, an increase of 38 million on the previous year. The FAO blamed climate change and conflict for the increase.

The organisation’s Director-General said that “About one in three people globally suffer from at least one form of malnutrition: be it hunger, micronutrient deficiencies, or overweight and obesity. Unless we take urgent and effective action, more than half of the world’s population will suffer from at least one type of malnutrition by 2030.”

The journal Nature Geoscience has published a report that argues that the world could feed an additional 825 million people, produce 10 percent more food calories, and grow 19 percent more protein by adjusting what crops are grown where. Changing where crops are grown would also reduce farmers’ use of rainwater by an estimated 14 percent. The study’s authors did however acknowledge that cultural and dietary preferences could pose a challenge in changing where crops are grown.

People’s tastes do however change; we can get used to anything. To illustrate the point Reuters reports that North Koreans now eat the dregs left over from making soybean oil, which usually go to feed the pigs. They press and roll them into paste, stuff them with rice, and top it with chilli sauce. The dish’s name, injogogi, means “man-made meat”. If not a national dish, it has become a street food popular for its taste.

Meanwhile, Russia’s 2017-18 grain harvest is expected to hit a record 133 million tonnes. Of that amount, 44.5 million tonnes are earmarked for export, up from 37.7 million last year and only 1.3 million tonnes in 2001. Russia is set to overtake the United States as the world’s biggest wheat exporter this year – regaining the top spot it last held before World War One. However analysts warn that a lack of port infrastructure could limit further export expansion.

Lastly an opinion piece in the New York Times argues that we should stop talking about food in the negative sense. By fretting about food, we turn occasions for comfort and joy into sources of fear and anxiety. And when we avoid certain foods, we usually compensate by consuming too much of others. The writer adds, “All of this happens under the guise of science. But a closer look at the research behind our food fears shows that many of our most demonized foods are actually fine for us”. He adds, “If there’s one thing you should cut from your diet, it’s fear”.

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Sugar Awareness Week

The lobby group Action on Sugar has been promoting Sugar Awareness Week on their @actiononsugar Twitter feed. One post, below, caught my attention.

It is difficult to know how much sugar billions of people across the globe are really consuming. On a country basis you can take production plus imports minus exports, but you don’t know how much sugar has been wasted, or added to or subtracted from stocks. It is even harder on a global basis where cross-border sugar trade flows can be difficult to track.

Having said that, the UN’s FAO estimates world sugar consumption in 1987 at 102 million tonnes. That year  world population reached 5 billion people, which equates to a per capita sugar consumption of 20.4 kilos . Thirty years later, the world’s population has reached 7.6 billion people and world sugar consumption has topped 180 million tonnes. So using the FAO’s figures that equates to a per capita sugar consumption of 24 kilos per person, an increase of 18 percent over thirty years.

Possably as a result of the group’s lobbying efforts, two of Europe’s leading magazines featured sugar on their covers this week. France’s Le Point promised to tell readers “The Truth About Sugar” while Germany’s Focus wanted to inform their readers of the difference between “good” sugars that come in the form of natural products, and “evil” sugars that the food industry adds to their processed products.

As part of Le Point’s crusade for the truth the magazine included a graphic that showed that per capita sugar consumption had risen from 16 kilos per person in 1960 to 25.5 kilos in 2016. Unlike the statistics on Action for Sugar’s Twitter feed, these figures are more or less correct. World sugar production in 1960 stood at 55 million tons while world population stood at 3 billion people, which gives a per capita consumption of 18 kilos. As for 2016, the FAO’s figures suggest a  per capita number of 24 kilos, but that is close enough.

What Le Point fails to point out is that if you exclude the low-income countries of China, India and Pakistan the average global per capita sugar consumption hasn’t changed from what it was in 1960 – 25 kilos per head. Per capita sugar consumption in the USA in 1960 was around 55 kilos per head.

At the recent Platts-Kingsman Conference (no longer anything to do with me) in Miami, the American Sugar Alliance, a pro-sugar lobby group, presented the following graph showing US sugar consumption correlated against US obesity rates.  As you can see, obesity rates have been rising while sugar consumption has fallen.

If you add in high fructose corn sweeteners, the picture changes somewhat, but not dramatically.

In their presentation the ASA highlighted the fact that Americans are consuming 374 more calories per day now than they were 34 years ago. The following graph breaks down where those extra calories are coming from.

Going back to Le Point, the magazine published the following graphic in their anti-sugar piece. It purports to show a correlation between world sugar production and obesity. The correlations look impressive, but they would have looked less impressive if they had taken the increase in population into account.

All this prompted me to revisit one of my favourite websites where I managed to produce the following graphic. It clearly shows how the decline in per capita consumption of corn sweeteners in the US has resulted in a reduction in the number of pedestrians killed by motor vehicles. So that at least is good news.

It is not clear who first coined the phrase, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” In his book “The Persuaders – The Hidden Industry that wants to change your mind“, the author James Garvey explains that the practice of public relations is “rarely intended to inform the population about the intricacies of an issue and is more often calculated to circumvent critical thinking.

Well said!

Commodity Conversations Weekly Press Summary

Low prices and thin margins continue to make for hard times in the agricultural trading business.

This week Archer Daniels Midland Co announced that their quarterly earnings had fallen 44 percent. The company handled 20 percent less grain than expected and average margins in the United States were 50 percent below expectations. The company’s CEO said that he will reduce capital spending next year by about 20 percent and reallocate funds away from oilseed crushing towards its higher-value businesses. However he added said he didn’t expect conditions to get better any time soon.

Bunge Ltd has forecast lower full-year earnings in its core agribusiness unit after posting a third-quarter profit that fell 28 percent on flat revenue. The company’s CEO was, however, optimistic about the future. He said that the company’s trading and processing next year would benefit from cost cutting and strengthening demand for oilseeds, a key driver of revenue. He added, “The third quarter was better than the second and the fourth quarter will be better than the third.”

The CEO of ED&F Man is leaving the company as part of a senior management reshuffle after “a very challenging year”. The company said that the move was part of a restructuring driven by difficult market conditions in its sugar business.

Mackprang jr. GmbH, a Hamburg-based trading house founded in 1878, is venturing into the consumer breakfast market in search for higher value businesses. The company said it will source oats, corn and raisins, then mix and pack them before shipping out to China. The company’s managing director said, “Being a grain trader is no more the place where you make your money so easily. Definitely not. Times are changing and we have to look for other opportunities.”

But at least one trading company is looking to expand during these tough times.   Sucafina, the Swiss-based coffee trader, has hired about 50 people in the past year, opened offices in Colombia and Brazil, reorganized its North American unit and is starting a business in Seattle. The company has taken out a $300 million 18-month syndicated loan to fund its expansion.

The company’s CEO told Bloomberg, “I like to consider Sucafina the smallest of the big trade houses or the biggest of the small trade houses. If we were content to stay at this size and we weren’t vertically integrated, we would eventually get acquired by someone.”

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is also expanding their commodity operations during tough times, hiring traders from Morgan Stanley and Castleton Commodities. To be fair, though, the expansion seems to be more in energy and metals, rather than agriculture.

It is not just commodity trading companies that are facing headwinds; agricultural chemical companies have also been in the news this week.

US farmers have overwhelmed state governments with thousands of complaints about crop damage linked to weed killers that use a chemical known as dicamba. Farmers claim that the herbicides have harmed crops because they evaporate and drift away from where they are applied. Monsanto and BASF, who make the herbicides, say the herbicides are safe when properly applied.

One expert estimated that 3.1 million acres of non-targeted crops have been damaged by the herbicide. In Monsanto’s defense, the company says it investigated 1,000 such claims, and found that in 88 percent of those cases, the farmer was to blame for faulty application of the product because “the label was not followed.” However, as New Food Economy points out, the “label” is 4,500-words long.

Meanwhile, The New York Times has accused President Donald Trump of damaging people’s brains, not by his angry early morning tweets, but through his lack of action on the chemical pesticide chlorpyrifos. The newspaper claims that the chemical is found in food, air and drinking water, and that human and animal studies show that it damages the brain and reduces I.Q.s while causing tremors among children. The Environmental Protection Agency banned the pesticide for most indoor residential use 17 years ago, and was preparing to ban it for agricultural and outdoor use this spring, but the Trump administration has apparently rejected the ban.

Campbell Soup has announced it is joining the Plant Based Foods Association, acknowledging reduced consumer demand for meat and dairy food. Earlier this year the company left the industry’s top trade and lobbying group, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, citing the lobbying group’s opposition to labeling whether food contained genetically modified ingredients.

The PBFA counts more than 80 companies as members but Campbell Soup will be by far its largest., “We’re not trying to make the whole world vegan,” a spokesman for the association told Bloomberg. “All we’re doing is trying to make plant-based products available to more people.”

In a similar vein, McDonald’s Corp have announced that they will require suppliers to follow new standards for raising and slaughtering chickens. Under the new guidelines, suppliers such as Tyson Foods Inc and Cargill Inc must comply by 2024 with rules dictating the amount and brightness of light in chicken houses, provide birds with access to perches that promote natural behavior, and take other steps to improve animal welfare. Tyson and Cargill have said that they support McDonald’s moves.

And while we are on consumer trends, people are abandoning their supermarket trolleys for baskets. The annual Waitrose Food & Drink Report (which covers all UK supermarkets), reports that customers are increasingly shopping little and often. One in ten people buy what they are going to eat that night, on the way home from work. Two out of three go to the supermarket more than once a day. As the report puts it: “People treat supermarkets like giant walk-in fridges.”

Nestlé, Mars and Hershey have been accused of breaking pledges to stop using “conflict palm oil” from deforested Indonesian jungles. The Rainforest Action Network (RAN) says consumers have been “deceived” by promises from the brands to clean up their supply chains, which were subsequently delayed, revised or watered down.

Hershey’s communications director responded to the allegations by saying that, “While we remain deeply committed to pushing all stakeholders to accelerate traceability and bring full transparency to this supply chain along with our supplier partners, we realise it would take more time to achieve this goal than originally anticipated.”

Meanwhile Malaysia is bracing itself for a total ban on EU imports of palm oil as the European Parliament gears up to ratify a proposed resolution to ban palm oil imports. The European Parliament has already voted to phase out the use of palm-oil biodiesel by 2020. After India, the EU is Malaysia’s second-largest export market for palm oil. China is in third place.

Butter up, oranges squeezed

After years of building up herds that produce low-fat milk, the world’s dairy industry is now struggling to meet a surge in demand for cream and butter. Butter prices have more than doubled over the past year, but heavy stocks of (low-fat) milk powder are pressuring milk prices. It could take years for the sector to adjust.


There is a saying in the commodity markets that demand is the backdrop against which changes in supply play out. Demand for most food products tends to increase by a small, but predictable, percentage each year, roughly in line with increases in population and income.

The supply of agricultural products, on the other hand, can vary significantly from one year to another. Weather is nearly always the most important factor driving supply. Price comes a close second—both the price of the commodity itself (with a time lag), and the price of alternative, competing crops. Crop diseases and pest infections can from time to time also be important drivers.

However, as I wrote last week, the demand for a particular foodstuff can sometimes change dramatically in response to the publication of new scientific—or pseudo-scientific—research. When that happens, the demand shift is almost certainly amplified through both traditional and social media. The traditional media in particular like new scientific studies that go against conventional wisdom. The most recent—and most dramatic—example is the way consumers no longer believe that both animal and vegetable fat makes you fat. Conventional wisdom now blames fructose, whether in sugar or in fruit juices, for the obesity epidemic.

Nutritional scientists—and lobbyists—will doubtless argue until the cows come home whether it is fat or fructose that is making people fat. While they argue, dairy farmers struggle to sell their stocks of low-fat milk but are unable to meet the increased demand for the high-fat milk that is needed for butter and cream. Meanwhile, Florida’s orange growers struggle with a collapse in US demand for orange juice. Butter consumption in the United States is up 7-8 percent this year; orange juice consumption is down 5-7 percent over the same period—and down nearly 45 percent over the past twelve years.

Dairy farmers and orange growers have not only had to deal with dramatic shifts in demand; they have also had to cope with bad weather. It has reportedly been too wet in New Zealand and too dry in Europe to produce quality feed for dairy cows. (Both phenomena have been blamed on climate change.)

Meanwhile Hurricane Irma hit Florida’s orange groves hard this year, further lowering production that had already been decimated by greening disease. A solution has now been found for greening disease (by inserting a spinach gene into the tree), but it will take years for the new orange trees to mature. Growers are rightly worried that on current trends there won’t be enough demand to absorb supply once they do.

It will also take years for the dairy sector to beef up supply to meet the demand for high-fat milk. Most herds now consist of Holstein cows, a breed that produces large quantities of low-fat milk, perfect to meet the global growth in demand for milk powder for products such as infant formula in developing countries, particularly China. Farmers are now replacing those Holstein cows with Jersey cows that produce higher-fat milk, but it is a slow process. In the meantime, butter prices continue to rise.

But why are there actual shortages of butter in some areas of Europe—even ironically in Normandy, the heart of France’s dairy industry? Why isn’t price rationing demand? The answer is that supermarkets have been reluctant to pass on to their consumers the increase in butter prices. As a result they have refused to pay current prices, and European producers have found better buyers in export markets in China and, strangely enough, in New Zealand.

Consumer trends can have a real impact on demand for different commodities. It takes time for supply to adjust and by the time it does, there is always a danger that the science will have moved on.

Food for thought


A recent survey conducted in the UK and reported by CampaignLive showed that McDonald’s and Coca-Cola were the two brands consumers most associated with litter. Two-thirds of those surveyed said their perception of a brand was negatively affected when they saw its waste in the streets and that they were less likely to buy from them as a result.

Following in the footsteps of Danone, Bloomberg reported that Nestle was working on making its water-bottling business more sustainable through its tie-up with Alliance for Water Stewardship, as consumers become increasingly worried about the environmental problems caused by bottling water. Similarly, the World Bank is flagging the importance of water management in a new report that found that some 80 million people could be fed for a year with all the food destroyed by drought, the Guardian reports. The Bank warns that water will become increasingly scarce with growing population and climate change and that the regions the most at risk were also the areas with the highest food deficits.

Olam announced it will be managing Gabon’s Owendo’s multipurpose terminal along with Bolloré Transport & Logistics (through their affiliates STCG and GSEZ Ports), according to Stat Times. Some USD 300 million will be invested to increase the port’s capacity, a strategy that could be replicated elsewhere on the continent as both partners said they are looking to work together in developing West Africa’s agricultural commodity market.

The race to buy Unilever’s margarine and spreads business is on, with three bidders expected to be shortlisted for an auction’s second round, according to sources who spoke with Reuters. The amount could be in excess of USD 7 billion given the business’ high margins, even though consumption of bread and margarine has reportedly dropped in western countries.

Meanwhile, Cargill continues on its acquisition spree as part of its strategy to diversify, having just added Iowa-based feed maker Diamond V to its portfolio, Reuters reports. Cargill said this was one of its five largest acquisitions ever and Standard & Poor commented it made a lot of sense as the world will need plenty of proteins to feed a growing population.

More and more impact investors are looking at sustainable food and agriculture, a sector in which impact investment has grown at an annual rate of 33% since 2013, according to Global Impact Investing Network, Greenbiz reports. Projects include encouraging grass-fed beef and transitioning farmland so that it can regenerate. There are a lot of good ideas but not enough access to capital, one of funds said.

Talking of things to come, China is anticipating exponential demand for pet food. A Chinese group has just bought the majority stake in Queensland-based The Real Pet Food Company (TRPC), ABC reports. A company official commented that the global phenomenon of “pet humanisation” had already taken place in the US and Europe, and has started to happen in China.

Finally, take a look at this infographic to see how self-executing Smart Contracts on the Blockchain could eventually replace brokers, some say. 

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French toast anyone?

Still, a man hears what he wants to hearAnd disregards the rest.              Simon & Garfunkel The Boxer 1969

When we had our first baby nearly thirty years ago, we were told to always put her face down in her cot to sleep. Eighteen months later, when we had our second, the nurses at the maternity told us never to put him face down to sleep, but always on his side. Two years later we had our third child; we were firmly told to always put him on his back to sleep, never on his side (because he could roll over), and never face down (because he could suffocate). By the time our fourth child was born we were back to square one. The nurses at the maternity firmly told us to always put him face down to sleep. (I don’t know the current recommendations.)

Marketing can play a role as well. When our first baby was born we bought standard paper nappies (diapers). By the second child we had a choice between boys’ nappies (in a blue box) and girls’ nappies (in a pink box). By our fourth child the nappy company was massively marketing a new breakthrough: “Unisex” nappies!

Food—what is healthy and what isn’t—is subject to even stronger trends (and fads).

I can remember as a young teenager being sent out by my mother to search the local shops for grapefruit. A “study” at that time had found that certain compounds in grapefruit burned body fat; eating it regularly could promote fat loss. My mother, along with half of the UK population, started to eat half a grapefruit before every meal. Within a couple of weeks there wasn’t a single grapefruit left in the country. Supply couldn’t keep up with the sudden spike in demand.

It may be that the water in grapefruit helps you feel full, and then you eat less. But if you’re hoping that grapefruit will melt fat, you’re going to be disappointed.

Back in 2014, two enterprising German journalists carried out a “scientific” study that “proved” that eating chocolate helps you to lose weight. The whole thing was a hoax, but they managed to get the study published in a scientific journal, and sent out press releases to all the media. Within a week it was on the front page of all the newspapers. None of those newspapers verified the story or checked on how vigorous and exhaustive the study was; they based their stories entirely on the press release.

In 1984 the US government published the results of what Time magazine described as “the broadest and most expensive research project in medical history”. The Time story introduced cholesterol to the world and was accompanied by its infamous cover photo of bacon and eggs. The study behind the article is now considered to be seriously flawed, but it led to millions of people around the world changing to a low-fat diet.

Thirty years later, Time put butter on their front cover, telling their readers, “Scientists labeled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong.” However, the study highlighted in the article also appears to be seriously flawed. The Harvard School of Public Health wrote,

“What the headlines miss is that in a meta-analysis such as this, there is no specific comparison (i.e. butter vs. olive oil), so the default comparison becomes butter vs. the rest of the diet. That means butter is being compared to a largely unhealthy mix of refined grains, soda, other sources of sugar, potatoes, and red meat…Here is the most important takeaway from this study not making headlines: Butter, a concentrated source of saturated fat, is still a worse choice than sources of healthy unsaturated fats such as extra virgin olive, soybean, or canola oils.”

An article published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) adds to the criticism by arguing that many published meta-analyses have combined the findings of studies that differ in important ways, mixing apples and oranges—“and sometimes “apples, lice, and killer whales”—yielding meaningless conclusions.” Far from increasing statistical power, these meta-studies are reducing it or causing real correlations to disappear.

One of the meta-analyses they discuss was the 2014 study examining the connection between saturated fat and coronary artery disease. The authors of that study combined data from vegetarians in Oxford with meat eaters in Sweden, diluting its results with what probably amounts to a big false-negative.

In an article earlier this week, New Food Economy argues, “Journals are mostly interested in studies with new and striking results—results that go against the conventional wisdom, even if that wisdom is correct. Add in the influence of industry and you get a situation where the published research turns one-sided.

New Food Economy went on to explain that according to a US lawsuit filed in early 2016 (that was dismissed), the egg industry funded 29 percent of studies on dietary cholesterol in 1992—but 92 percent in 2013. It seems to be working. Not only is butter back, eggs are too!

Next week: The great butter shortage—how can the food industry cope with sudden demand shifts?

Turn off your screens

It has been Olympic Week here in Lausanne where all the local sports clubs set up stands in and around the Olympic Museum to introduce new sports to young people. The event has been going on, I think, for nearly thirty years now and coincides each year with the school’s half-term holidays. Nearly forty clubs/sports are represented, and nearly seven thousand children took part, in the week.

I took Monday and Thursday off from whatever else I had to do, and helped man the rowing club’s stand. We had borrowed six rowing machines from the club and set up a system where we first showed the kids to use the machines correctly—or at least without hurting themselves, and  then let them “race” themselves or their friends over five hundred metres.

On each of the two days, we introduced nearly three hundred kids, aged between eight and fourteen, to the sport. They had a great time, as indeed did I. It was wonderful to see them all so enthusiastic—and competitive.

Out of the three hundred or so kids that passed through the stand each day, there were perhaps three, or maybe four, who were over-weight. Certainly none were obese. I say that because this week the world “celebrated” World Obesity Day.

The day coincided with a report issued by Imperial College London and the World Health Organisation which showed that childhood obesity rates in the world’s children and adolescents increased from less than 1 percent (equivalent to five million girls and six million boys) in 1975 to nearly 6 percent in girls (50 million) and nearly 8 percent in boys (74 million) in 2016. Combined, the number of obese five to nineteen year olds rose more than tenfold globally, from 11 million in 1975 to 124 million in 2016.

The lead author of the report, Professor Majid Ezzati, of Imperial’s School of Public Health, said, “These worrying trends reflect the impact of food marketing and policies across the globe, with healthy nutritious foods too expensive for poor families and communities. The trend predicts a generation of children and adolescents growing up obese and at greater risk of diseases, like diabetes. We need ways to make healthy, nutritious food more available at home and school, especially in poor families and communities, and regulations and taxes to protect children from unhealthy foods.”

Dr Fiona Bull, from the WHO, took a more nuanced stance, saying, “countries should aim particularly to reduce consumption of cheap, ultra-processed, calorie dense, nutrient poor foods.” However, she added, “they should also reduce the time children spend on screen-based and sedentary leisure activities by promoting greater participation in physical activity through active recreation and sports.”

This is not the first time that the WHO has called for measures to promote active lifestyles. They write on their website, “the fundamental cause of childhood overweight and obesity is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Global increases in childhood overweight and obesity are attributable to a number of factors including:

  • A global shift in diet towards increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and sugars but low in vitamins, minerals and other healthy micronutrients;
  • A trend towards decreased physical activity levels due to the increasingly sedentary nature of many forms of recreation time, changing modes of transportation, and increasing urbanization.

Back in 2014, the Institute of Economic Affairs drew attention to the energy expenditure side of the equation, writing that, ‘Only 18 per cent of adults report doing any moderate or vigorous physical activity at work while 63 per cent never climb stairs at work and 40 per cent spend no time walking at work. Outside of work, 63 per cent report spending less than ten minutes a day walking and 53 per cent do no sports or exercise whatsoever.’

Last week also saw the controversy continue over sugar taxes, with Chicago abandoning theirs, and arguments in the press both for and against. It is an emotive issue but while everyone argues about the food intake side, let’s not forget the energy expenditure side of the equation.

So this weekend, turn off your screens, go outside, and take your kids with you.

The Sixth Extinction

The Guardian newspaper voted the Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, by the award winning journalist Elizabeth Kolbertthe best non-fiction book of all time. It isn’t, but it is still worth reading.

Life has existed on our planet for around four billion years but mass extinctions seem to have taken place on our earth every twenty-six million years or so. Although everyone (more or less) agrees that a meteor strike caused the fifth mass extinction (of the dinosaurs, amongst others), geologists disagree as to what caused the others. Perhaps other meteor strikes; perhaps natural climate change.

Pretty much everyone, however, agrees that mankind is the cause of the sixth mass extinction that we are currently living in a geological era that geologists call the “Anthropocene”. Ms Kolbert writes,

The Anthropocene is usually said to have begun with the industrial revolution, or perhaps even later, with the explosive growth in population that followed World War II. … But the megafauna extinction suggests otherwise. Before humans emerged on the scene, being large and slow to reproduce was a highly successful strategy, and outsized creatures dominated the planet. Then in what amounts to a geologic instant, this strategy became a loser’s game. And so it remains today, which is why elephants and bears and big cats are in so much trouble…Though it might be nice to imagine there once was a time when man lived in harmony with nature, it’s not clear that he ever really did.

Man destroys biodiversity in three ways: first by eating it; second, by encroaching on—and stealing—its territory; and third by accident–spreading alien species or bacteria. Ms Kolbert writes,

“During any given twenty-four hour period, it is estimated that ten thousand different species are being moved around the world in ballast water. Thus a single supertanker (or for that matter a jet passenger) can undo millions of years of geographic separation.”

Meanwhile, the tsunami that struck Japan in 2011 has carried almost 300 species of sea life  across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of the United States. In what could be the longest maritime migration ever recorded, an estimated one million creatures – including crustaceans, sea slugs and sea worms – made the 7,725km journey on a flotilla of tsunami debris.

Introducing alien species (including bacteria) into new areas can quickly wipe out native fauna that have no historical resistance. Ms Kolbert gives two examples -frogs in Central America and bats in North America – but there are millions of others. This process began one hundred and twenty thousand years ago when Homo Sapiens began its migration out of Africa, (arguably) wiping out the Neanderthals on the way (after mating with them first).

The process of extinction has been going on for so long now it seems all but inevitable that it will continue until the only animals that will be left on the planet will be the ones that we eat—or the ones that we can marvel or laugh at in zoos, or on YouTube. Looked at in this way, you might be tempted to think that the forces behind this are so powerful that we are powerless to stop it.

And if you think this mass extinction is not your fault, Ms Kolbert has this to say,

If you want to think about why humans are so dangerous to other species, you can picture a poacher in Africa carrying an AK-47 or a logger in the Amazon gripping an axe, or better still, you can picture yourself, holding a book on your lap.

And in case you think that it doesn’t matter if the world loses a few species of fogs or bats, Ms Kolbert adds,

The anthropologist Richard leaky has warned that Homo Sapiens might not only be the agent of the sixth extinction, but also risks being one of its victims.

So we are all doomed; we will take the world’s biodiversity with us. And there is nothing we can do about it.

But wait a minute; aren’t we already doing something about it?

Just this month, a convention came into force to prevent the transfer of potentially invasive species in ballast water, one of the many problems that Ms Kolbert wrote about in her book. Ballast water must now be treated before it is unloaded into a new location, so that any micro-organisms or other small marine species are destroyed.

Last month, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – the global standard for assessing extinction risk – announced that the conservation status of the snow leopard  has been improved from “endangered” to “vulnerable”. The species still faces serious threats from poaching and habitat destruction, but at least it is a step in the right direction.

Perhaps even more optimistically, last month saw the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Montreal Protocol for the preservation of the earth’s ozone layer. Thanks to the treaty, over 98% of ozone-depleting substances have been phased out globally to date. Without the treaty, the hole in the Antarctic ozone would have been 40% larger in 2013. And what’s more, the global health and economic benefits of the treaty are expected to amount to US$2.2 trillion, as a result of averted damages to agriculture, fisheries and materials.

Charles Darwin once wrote, In the long history of humankind, those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.

The Montreal Treaty is an example of what mankind can do when we work together. The Paris Agreement is another. We can fix this!

Image courtesy of Pixabay

The risk in brands

Last week Nestlé, the world’s biggest food packaging company—and by far the world’s biggest retail coffee company—paid a rumoured $425 million for a 68% stake in Blue Bottle Coffee Co, a specialist, single-origin coffee company. There is probably little that Blue Bottle can teach Nestlé about how to make coffee, so I guess that Nestlé is paying for the brand.

Nestlé is not only the biggest coffee company, it is also one of the world’s biggest manager of brands—they currently own more than 2,000 of them. Nestlé probably know even more about brand management than they do about making a good cup of coffee. But as the NY Times pointed out in July, traditional brands are under pressure as more people buy their groceries online. Sales of classic brands have plateaued, and small start-ups are grabbing market share, leaving companies like Nestlé struggling to adjust. Hence their purchase of Blue Bottle Coffee Co.

Blue Bottle was founded in 2002 by a former professional clarinet player, and has a strong following among customers concerned about where their coffee comes from, and its impact on the environment and human rights. The company optimistically argues that that being taken over by Nestlé won’t change a thing.

In an article on the acquisition, the Guardian newspaper quoted a customer—a yoga instructor—at one of Blue Bottle’s branches in Manhattan as saying, “Where you buy anything right now – especially now – is part of a large point of view around how conscious you want to be about your impact on the world. Nestlé is not an ethical company.”

Although it is not explicit in the article, the yoga instructor appeared to be referring to a time in the 1970s when Nestlé was selling powdered baby formula to developing countries. There was nothing wrong with the milk powder; the problem was the unhealthy water that mothers mixed with it. But Nestlé was obviously not without blame.

Having said that, I would take issue with the claim that Nestlé is not an ethical company. Although there is always room for improvement, the company is an industry leader in terms of sustainable supply chains, human rights and living wages for the farmers that feed us. As in most big companies, the people that run Nestlé are not faceless individuals but human beings that want to make the world a better place for their children.

The price that Nestlé paid for Blue Bottle clearly shows how important it is for the big companies to remain “brand relevant”—to move with the times and reach out to younger consumers. But it also highlights that the money in the agricultural supply chain lies firmly with the retail brands.

However, the yoga teacher’s comments show how easily brands can become damaged and lose value—and how long what is perceived as unethical behaviour stays in people’s minds. The milk powder controversy occurred almost half a century ago, but it is still recent enough to discourage a potential customer from consuming Nestlé’s coffee.

Even if brands are “where the money is” in the food supply chain, the risks involved in protecting the brand probably justify the returns. Brand managers are now the guardians of a food company’s value; they increasing feel under siege from a civil society that views them as “easy targets”.

Three recent examples highlight how quickly brands can become damaged goods. The first is Bell Pottinger, which was ironically one of the world’s top public relations companies. Caught up in claims that it stirred up racial tension in South Africa, the company is now fighting for survival. Clients have deserted them and the company might soon cease to exist as a result of the scandal.

The second example involves smallholder encroachment on tropical rainforest and national parks in Ivory Coast and Ghana. Mighty Earth, an NGO, claims (almost certainly correctly) that “dirty” (unsustainable and/or illegal) cocoa is finding its way into the supply chains of Mars, Nestle, Hershey’s, Godiva, and other major chocolate companies. The brands were quick to respond.

The third example is a recent New York Times article that blames Nestlé (again) and the other processed food companies for increased obesity in Brazil.

Negative media coverage such as this can cause significant damage to brands, and take decades to recover.

The fact that brands have become so valuable—and capture so much of the value in today’s food chains—is not great news for farmers and commodity merchandisers faced with meagre profit margins. But at the same time the value that is inherent in those brands increases the leverage that civil society has over the big food companies. And to the extent that this encourages the food companies to be even more ethical and sustainable, it is probably good news for the planet.